Three New York Chinatown Stories at Tuck High

The Tuck High Company store, sold to the New York State Museum in 1980, embodies tens of thousands of stories about what Chinatown was truly about. Jack Tchen, cross-cultural historian and co-founder of the Museum of Chinese in America, will share three stories interweaving the lives of a tea merchant, a “laundryman,” and the Irish “Mayor of Chinatown.”

Jack (John Kuo Wei) Tchen is a historian, curator, dumpster-diver, and teacher surfacing the disappeared stories othered by systems of power and wealth. Dr. Tchen is the Clement A. Price Professor of Public History & Humanities and director of the Price Institute on Ethnicity, Cultures, and the Modern Experience at Rutgers-Newark. He is the founding director of the A/P/A (Asian/Pacific/American) Studies Program and Institute at New York University.

This is a joint program of the NYSM and the Archives Partnership Trust.


Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE)

The New York State Museum is an approved provider of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE). Educators can earn CTLE clock hours by watching the webinar and completing the survey linked below. Please allow up to four weeks to receive confirmation of completion.

CTLE (1.5 hours): Link to Online Form for Tuck High