Entomological Collection
The NYSM entomology collection comprises an excess of one million specimens of insects, mites, ticks, and spiders. NYSM specimens date back to 1835 with the bulk of the insect holdings starting in the 1880’s forming and important historic record. Specimens are loaned to researchers world-wide. A catalogue of our primary types is available below.
Featured Subcollections
Arthropod Types in the New York State Museum
There are 193 holotypes, 13 lectotypes, 240 syntypes, 45 allotypes, 501 paratypes, and 19 paralectotypes.
To obtain Information about Arthropod Types in the New York State Museum Entomology collection, please download:
"Catalogue of the Types in the New York State Museum Insect Collection (Including Acarina)", New York State Museum Bulletin 434 (PDF 3 MB)
NYSM Entomology Loan Policy (1.48 MB)