The focus of this research group is on the study of living plants, animals, and microorganisms. Its work includes biological surveys of defined geographic areas and ecosystems, phylogenetic (evolutionary) and nomenclatural studies of taxonomic groups, and studies of relationships between organisms and with their environments. In addition, applications are sought to apply research results to solving current environmental problems.

Research Departments

  • White Magnolia drawing

    Botany & Mycology

  • Libinia Emarginata thumbnail


  • entomology table


  • green frog


  • Striped bass drawing


  • zebra mussel


  • Rabbit drawing


  • Bluebird on flowers


News Articles

four images of algae specimens from the NYSM collections
Published February 17, 2025 | Botany Mycology

Museums worldwide are actively digitizing their collections to enhance accessibility and broaden public engagement. This initiative increases the visibility and appreciation of valuable artifacts among the diverse communities that institutions like the New York State Museum serve. 


Canine Contrasts
Published June 17, 2024 | Mammalogy

The New York State Museum's latest exhibit feature Canine Contrasts: Unraveling Wolves and Coyotes in New York introduces the fascinating world of wolves and coyotes as it tells the story of a wolf recently mistaken for a coyote and killed near Cherry Valley, NY. Along with a taxidermy...

Dr. Taza Schaming assist with research in the NYSM Ornithology Collections
Published February 5, 2024 | Ornithology

Locally-based Ornithologist Dr. Taza Schaming was appointed as a Research Associate in 2023, and has been assisting Dr. Jeremy Kirchman, NYSM Curator of Birds and Mammals, in our specimen preparation lab, turning salvaged birds into research specimens. Taza is a Wildlife Ecologist at Northern...

NYSM Bald Eagle
Published July 3, 2023 | Ornithology

Happy Fourth of July from the NYSM! This bald eagle, currently on display in Birds of New York Hall, is one of the oldest specimens from our collections and even pre-dates the discovery of the Cohoes Mastodon by sixteen years! The specimen, an adult male, was part of the personal collection of H...

Bowfin species: A&B - Amia calva from South Carolina, C - A. ocellicauda from Ontario.
Published December 12, 2022 | Ichthyology

Bowfin fishes are recognized as evolutionary relicts or ‘living fossils’ that historically were distributed worldwide, going back almost 150 million years and living alongside dinosaurs. These fishes retain many of the morphological traits of their fossil ancestors and are found only in the...

DNA Research in Ornithology at the NYSM
Published December 12, 2022 | Ornithology

Museum specimens are important sources of DNA, used by researchers to discover the evolutionary relationships among species. NYSM zoology curators save small samples of muscle and other tissues from the specimens they prepare for our collections. The tissue samples from fish, bird, and mammal...

Divers Collecting Tagged Mussels
Published July 27, 2021 | Malacology

Zebra and quagga mussels can be aggressive invaders of waterbodies and, when they reach high densities, can be devastating to native mussel populations (among other impacts).  Many lakes and rivers that once supported abundant and diverse communities of native mussels have seen declines after...

Tim McCabe, Cicada
Published April 19, 2021 | Entomology

Get the official buzz about the emergence of periodical cicadas this summer! In a recent interview with WAMC’s Lucas Willard, Dr. Timothy McCabe, New York’s State Entomologist, discusses the impending appearance of Brood X (10) cicadas after 17 years underground and where New Yorkers might be...

Tagged Mussels
Published July 31, 2020 | Malacology

Challenges in science often require solutions from across various disciplines and involve collaborations between diverse agencies. A recent agreement between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and Arconic to protect habitat and freshwater mussels in the Lower...

Long island fish collection example
Published February 29, 2016 | Ichthyology

In 2014, the State Museum acquired Dr. Howard Reisman's (emeritus professor at Long Island University) personal collection of fish specimens. The collection has over 2,500 individual specimens, including a substantial number of samples from the marine waters surrounding Long Island.


beaked whale skeleton
Published January 14, 2016 | Mammalogy

A 20-foot long Cuvier's Beaked Whale skeleton was acquired by the State Museum in 2014. Worldwide, there are less than 250 Cuvier's Beaked Whale specimens in collections. These whales, also known as goose-beaked whales, are known to be one of the deepest diving whales. One Cuvier's Beaked Whale...