Water color illustration of 2 white mushrooms bursting forth from a brown bulbous root base in various stages of growth.

Agaricus vernus, Late 1800s

Accession Number: 
YSM i-518

Mary Banning writes the following text in an elegant, handwritten cursive style underneath her illustration:  

Plate 12 

Agaricus vernus Bull.  

Name—ver, spring  

Series Leucospori Subgenus Amanita  

Botanical Characters. A. vernus. Pileus white ovate expanded often depressed viscid in wet weather, margin regular; lamellae free, white, broad, ventricose; stipe stuffed then hollow; bulbous; closely sheathed with a volva which has a free lax border. “It does not seem to be distinguishable from A. phalloides and is probably also poisonous.” In woods June–October.