Agaricus americanus, 1879
Mary Banning writes the following text in an elegant, handwritten cursive style underneath her illustration:
Plate 20
Order Hymenomycetes Tribe Pileati
Agaricus americanus Peck
Name—America, American Lepiota
Series Leucospori Subgenus Lepiota
Species Characters. A. americanus. Pileus fleshy, covered with red scales darker at disk; flesh white turns red when cut or bruised; lamellae free, slightly forked, white, turn red when bruised & exude a red juice; stipe hollow, attenuated at top enlarged at the base, stained with red at the apex quite red at the base; spores 0.00024 × 0.00032 inch. white. In woods Druid Hill Park, near Baltimore, Maryland. This is a beautiful plant when seen growing. The first & only time I ever met with it was in August 1879. I do not think it is common in this state. Since 1879, I have met with it frequently both in Maryland & in Virginia & consider it quite common.