Water color illustration of a cluster of 6 yellow/bown mushroom in various stages of growth. They have wide and tall beige stems with brown horizontal striping. The broad caps are deep yellow with brown spots. A bisected mushroom shows a white interior.

Agaricus adiposus, 1881

Accession Number: 
NYSM i-573

Mary Banning writes the following text in an elegant, handwritten cursive style underneath her illustration:

Plate 60 

Order Hymenomycetes Tribe Pileati 

Agaricus adiposus Fr. 

Name—adeps, fat, stout, obese 

Series Dermini Subgenus Pholiota 

Botanical Characters. A. adiposus. Pileus convex obtuse, bright yellow, excessively viscid, covered with brown scales not persistent frequently fall off, 6–7 inches across; lamellae adnate, at first pale ochre, then somewhat ferruginous, not crowded; stipe covered with brown scales, 4–5 inches high, 1 inch thick in the large plants, sometimes stuffed again hollow, at first solid, at times more or less enlarged at the base, often regular; spores 0.00022 × 0.00032. ferruginous. Taste mild & pleasant. August & October. I found the above plant growing on a Morus alba tree in Carroll County, Maryland August 21st, 1880. In October I found it on a Morus alba tree in an adjacent street, in Baltimore. It is very beautiful & grows not only in the fork of the tree but aspires to the first branches.  

Baltimore, February 8th, 1881.