Water color illustration of four mushrooms with white stems and soft plum-colored caps in various stages of growth

Russula lepida, 1881

Accession Number: 
NYSM i-608

Mary Banning writes the following text in an elegant, handwritten cursive style underneath her illustration: 

Plate 94

Order Hymenomycetes Tribe Pileati

Russula lepida Fr.

Name—lepidus, neat, elegant

Botanical Characters. R. lepida. Pileus fleshy, convex then centrally depressed, dry silky, rimoso-squamose various shades of bright rose color, margin in some plants seem disposed to be striate, but not actually so; margin spreading, blunt as a rule regular & even though in some plants it is waved slightly; lamellae close, thick white, adnexed, forked; stipe solid, white, more or less streaked or spotted with pink, stout, 1 inch thick 2–3½ inches high, regular except where it meets the lamellae when it enlarges. spores 0.00036 inch in diameter, white, echinulate. Taste mild & pleasant. This plant varies in size those above were collected in Anne Arundle County, August 1879. It appears as late as September. Those above were very fine & large, most of them 8 inches across pileus. Baltimore, February 22nd, 1881.