Polyporus cinnabarinus, 1878
Mary Banning writes the following text in an elegant, handwritten cursive style underneath her illustration:
Plate 122
Order Hymenomycetes Tribe Pileati
Polyporus cinnabarinus Jacq.
Name—cinnabar, red colored
Species Characters. P. cinnabarinus. Pileus hard and corky in age it becomes nearly as hard as the wood or bark upon which it grows, smooth, more or less zoned presenting a rough wrinkled appearance, bright orange red, and even bordering upon, if not bright vermilion color at times, fading in age; pores minute, bright red. Spores 0.00016’–0.00020’. Found on the bark of a dead cherry tree. Near Lutherville, Baltimore County, Maryland, July. August 1878. The above plant is more distinctly zoned than some others found growing upon the same tree and in the same locality. N. B. Fries puts this in Trametes.