Polyporus versicolor, 1875
Mary Banning writes the following text in an elegant, handwritten cursive style underneath her illustration:
Plate 126
Order Hymenomycetes Tribe Pileati
Polyporus versicolor Fr.
Common Zoned Polyporus
Botanical Characters. P. versicolor. “Pileus thin coriaceous rigid plane depressed behind velvety nearly even & shinning, variegated with colored zones; pores minute, round, acute, & torn, white then pallid. Variable sometimes quite resupinate or with the margin reflexed more generally dimidiate & densely imbricated, occasionally spuriously stipilate, more or less lobed, villous marked with concentric regular smooth shining zones of various colors sometimes entirely white & not unfrequently the whole surface is villous & the zones mere depressions.” Very common on dead sticks