Water color illustration showing a cluster of 8 brown/orange-colored mushrooms with small round orange/brown caps in various stages of growth

Agaricus illudens, 1889

Accession Number: 
NYSM i-692

Mary Banning writes the following text in an elegant, handwritten cursive style underneath her illustration:  

Plate 173 

Order Hymenomycetes Tribe Pileati  

Agaricus illudens Schw. 

Series Leucopori Subgenus Clitocybe 

The above is a variety of A. illudens. The Pileus was smooth, viscid, stipe stuffed, enlarged at the apex, tapering below. It was the smallest form of the plant I ever saw, though it grew in the rich vegetable mold that filled an old stump, & in very wet weather. Spores white globose 0.00018 inch. August 1889.