ALBANY, NY – The theme of the New York State Museum’s next Family Fun Weekend on March 4 -5th is “Mothers and Daughters: How Iroquois Women Have Shaped Their Culture.”
Activities both days take place from 1 to 4 p.m. and are free of charge. A special guest, Marie Jones, will discuss the traditional and contemporary roles of Mohawk women and mothers from 2-3 p.m. on both days, near the Iroquois longhouse. She will share traditional songs and artifacts. Jones is from the Fonda area in Montgomery County, where she is a member of the Kanalsiohareke community.
From 1 to 1:45 p.m., a “Native Sky’’ show is scheduled in the inflatable Star Lab Planetarium in the Museum Theater. The presentation will focus on the mythology of native people. The show is limited to 30 people. Visitors must obtain a free ticket at the information desk in the lobby.
Throughout the weekend, children can make Iroquois crafts in Bird Hall, including an arrowhead and bead necklace. Activities also include a scavenger hunt, with prizes, and participants will get an activity pack to take home. A 3:30 p.m. story time will take place at the Longhouse.
Family Fun Weekends offer theme-based family activities the first weekend of the month.
The New York State Museum, established in 1836, is a program of the New York State Department of Education. Located at the Empire State Plaza on Madison Avenue in Albany, the Museum is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
Year's Day. Admission is free and the Museum is fully accessible. Further information about Museum programs and events can be obtained by calling (518) 474-5877 or visiting the museum website at www.nysm.nysed.gov.
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