Thomas Hart Benton Masterpiece to be Exhibited at the New York State Museum

Release Date: 
Monday, August 9, 1999
Contact Information: 

Contact: Office of Communications
Phone: (518) 474-1201

ALBANY, NY -- Thomas Hart Benton's mural depicting Father Louis Hennepin at Niagara Falls will be on view at the New York State Museum from Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1999, to May 2000 as its home, the Niagara Power Project Visitors Center, is renovated.

The 7-foot high, 20-foot wide mural was commissioned in 1961 to celebrate the completion of the New York Power Authority's Niagara Power Project. It will be hung near the newest exhibit: Looking Back: The State Museum in the Year 2000.

"We are proud to be able to give even more people living and traveling through New York State the chance to view this incredible mural," State Museum Director Cliff Siegfried said. "The New York Power Authority has generously allowed the mural to be on display rather than in storage while they complete their renovations."

The mural is being delivered from the Williamstown Art Conservation Center, where the painting is undergoing some minor restoration work, which includes a new frame.

"This magnificent mural has greeted millions of visitors to our Niagara Power Project. We'll be happy when it is once again safe at 'home,' but in the meantime, we're happy to share it -- newly restored -- with all those who visit the State Museum," said C.D. "Rapp" Rappleyea, chairman and chief executive officer of the Power Authority.

Hennepin, part of explorer Robert Cavelier de LaSalle's advance party, was one of the first Europeans to ever see Niagara Falls in December 1678. With a cross in one of his hands, the priest appears to be blessing the Falls in the mural. On either side are members of the party and Native Americans, including Senecas and possibly Algonquins.

About a year was spent researching and planning the scene before Benton spent three months painting the oil mural.

"The Benton mural is a treasure. This piece is truly one of Thomas Hart Benton's masterpieces, telling a great New York story in the epic manner he is known for," the Museum's Director of Exhibitions Mark Schaming said.