This article originally appeared on the AASLH website.
The upcoming 250th anniversary of the United States’ founding is an opportunity for museums and historic sites with stories of slavery to create programs that explore our collective history. The workshop will discuss pedagogically sound and emotionally aware techniques for developing tours and programs, as well as strategies for training and caring for staff. Using the “Making History at 250” themes, we will explore ways to broaden visitors’ understanding of slavery and enslaved people’s lives during the Revolutionary Era, and the legacies of slavery that exist in our society today.
This two-day (4 hours per day) virtual workshop will nurture the following skills:
· developing pedagogically sound and emotionally aware tours and programs on the lives of enslaved people and the institution of slavery, with a focus on 250th themes;
· contextualizing the topic of enslavement, eliminating mythological stories, and facilitating culturally sensitive discussions; and
· helping visitors make relevant connections between past and present. Read more...