The Effectiveness of Chemically Treated Screens in Killing Annoying Punkies, Culicoides obsoletus

TitleThe Effectiveness of Chemically Treated Screens in Killing Annoying Punkies, Culicoides obsoletus
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1961
AuthorsJamnback, H
JournalJournal of Economic Entomology

A method of testing and evaluating chemicals painted on window screens for control of punkies (Culicoules obsoletus (Meigen)) in dwellings consisted of using test chambers made from small cartons with one end covered by transparent plastic and the other end opaque. A screen was placed in the chamber between the light and dark ends. When the adults were introduced into the chamber at the dark end they quickly migrated to the light end passing through the treated screens. A 7.7% marathon-alcohol solution painted on screens killed Culicoides adults that had passed through them in less than an hour while a 10% DDT-oil solution required several hours before an appreciable mortality occurred. The malathion-painted screens were still highly effective in killing exposed punkies 21 days after treatment.
