Introduction to Current Research in New York Archaeology A.D. 700-1300

TitleIntroduction to Current Research in New York Archaeology A.D. 700-1300
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsRieth, CB, Hart, JP
EditorRieth, CB, Hart, JP
Book TitleCurrent Research in New York State Archaeology: A.D. 700-1300
Series TitleNew York State Museum Record
Series Volume2
PublisherThe University of the State of New York
CityAlbany, New York

The early Late Prehistoric period (A.D. 700–1300) is a time in New York that traditionally has been seen by archaeologists as a period of change, from mobile hunter-gatherers to settled agricultural villagers. This traditional understanding of the past is being replaced by more dynamic understandings based on the applications of new methods, techniques, and theories. As such, archaeologists working on this slice of time in New York are in a period of transition. The works presented in this volume reflect that transition. Here we place the volume in the broader context of research on this vital period of inquiry in New York.