Late Prehistoric Settlement in the Lower Upper Ohio River Basin

TitleLate Prehistoric Settlement in the Lower Upper Ohio River Basin
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsNass, JP, Hart, JP
EditorGenheimer, R
Book TitleCultures Before Contact: The Late Prehistory of Ohio and Surrounding Regions
PublisherThe Ohio Archaeological Counci
CityColumbus, Ohio
Keywordsarchaeological systematics, Late Prehistoric Period, Monongahela tradition, upper Ohio River basin

The Late Prehistoric Period in the upper Ohio River Basin is characterized by nucleated farming communities. Historically, these villages, wheterh found in Ohio, northern West Virginia, or southwestern Pennsylvania, have been uncrtitically classified as components of the Monongahela Tradition, ca. A.D. 1000-1630. The present paper examines the utility of the Monongahela concept given the existing data base and outlines a more objective approach for understanding settlement responses to both localized and regional environmental and social conditions.