St. Lawrence Iroquoians and Pan-Iroquoian Social Network Analysis

TitleSt. Lawrence Iroquoians and Pan-Iroquoian Social Network Analysis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsDermarker, S, Birch, J, Shafie, T, Hart, JP, Williamson, RF
JournalOntario Archaeology

St. Lawrence Iroquoians have long been seen being as culturally separate from other Iroquoian groups, a position supported by their disappearance in the mid-sixteenth century. In this paper, Social Network Analysis of Iroquoian ceramic collar motifs and two characteristic St. Lawrence ceramic types repositions this group, most fundamentally the Jefferson County Iroquoians, as a central and integral constituent of a highly fluid pan-Iroquoian ceramic social signalling system that, we argue, reflects changing socio-political relationships. Specifically, we suggest that the strong social ties of the late fifteenth century may be reflected in subsequent distinct movements and integrations of St. Lawrence Iroquoian peoples with Ancestral Wendat and Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) communities.