Updating the classic New York Lamoka Lake and Scaccia sites: refined chronologies through AMS dating and Bayesian modeling

TitleUpdating the classic New York Lamoka Lake and Scaccia sites: refined chronologies through AMS dating and Bayesian modeling
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsHart, JP, Birch, J, Manning, SW, Lorentzen, B
Date PublishedJun-06-2023
KeywordsAMS dating, Bayesian modeling, New York

The Lamoka Lake and Scaccia sites in present-day New York have played important roles in the development of archaeology in New York, and in the case of Lamoka Lake, in eastern North America. Lamoka Lake is the type site for the “Archaic” period in eastern North American culture history and the “Late Archaic” “Lamoka phase” in New York culture history. The Scaccia site is the largest “Early Woodland” “Meadowood phase” site in New York and has the earliest evidence for pottery and agriculture crop use in the state. Lamoka Lake has been dated to 2500 BC based on a series of solid carbon and gas-proportional counting radiometric dates on bulk wood charcoal obtained in the 1950s and 1960s. Scaccia has been dated to 870 BC based on a single uncalibrated radiometric date obtained on bulk charcoal in the early 1970s. As a result, the ages of these important sites need to be refined. New AMS dates and Bayesian analyses presented here place Lamoka Lake at 2962–2902 BC (68.3% highest posterior density [hpd])) and Scaccia at 1049–838 BC (68.3% hpd).

Short TitleRadiocarbon