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Miller, N.G., 2005. Flora and Vegetation, in: Eisenstadt, P., Moss, L.E.-. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia Of New York State. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, pp. 573-574.
Morse, R.S., 2005. The Rediscovery of a Species. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 1, 7.
Sheviak, C.J., 2005. The 'Discovery' of Platanthera praeclara. The Native Orchid Conference Journal 2, 10-20.
Siegfried, C.A., Molloy, D.P., 2005. Zebra Mussels, in: Eisenstadt, P., Moss, L.E.-. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia Of New York State. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, p. 1744.
Urban, J.M., 2005. Into Africa. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 1, 13.
Kays, R.W., 2007. An Appointment with Death. BBC Wildlife 25, 50-55.
Kays, R.W., 2007. Bats: Gone with the Wind?. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 3, 16.
Kays, R.W., 2007. Skulls Tell Their Stories. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 2, 8-9.
Kirchman, J.J., 2007. Searching for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 2, 7.
