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Lintner, J.A., 1881. Insects and Fungus on Quinces. Country Gentleman 46, 535.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. Insects of the Clover Plant. New York State Agricultural Society Annual Report 40, 10-26.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. Insects on Plum Trees. Country Gentleman 46, 376.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. Insects on Strawberry Roots. Country Gentleman 46, 583.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. On the Life Duration of the Heterocera (Moths).. Canadian Entomologist 13, 217-220.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. Mites in Clothing. Country Gentleman 46, 376.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. A New Insect Pest - Not the Army Worm. Country Gentleman 46, 371.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. Orchard Caterpillar. Country Gentleman 46, 455.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. Peach Pest - Largus succinctus. Country Gentleman 46, 663.
Lintner, J.A., 1881. Worms on Tomatoes. Country Gentleman 46, 456.
Peck, C.H., 1881. New Species of Fungi.. Botanical Gazette 6, 239-241.
Peck, C.H., 1881. New Species of Fungi.. Botanical Gazette 6, 226-229.
Peck, C.H., 1881. New Species of Fungi. Botanical Gazette 6, 274-279.
Peck, C.H., 1881. Report of Botanist. New York State Museum Annual Report 34, 24-58.
Peck, C.H., 1881. Two New Species of Fungi. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 8, 49-51.
