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Fitch, A., 1863. Borers in the Honey Locust. New York State Agricultural Society Transactions 22, 117-118.
Fitch, A., 1863. Borers in the Honey Locust. Journal of the New York State Agricultural Society 13, 19.
Fitch, A., 1863. Club Wheat -- Our Views on It. Country Gentleman 22, 33.
Fitch, A., 1863. Eighth Report on Noxious, Beneficial and Other Insects of the State of New York. New York State Agricultural Society Transactions 22, 657-691.
Fitch, A., 1863. The Entomologist. The Onion Fly. Country Gentleman 21, 63.
Fitch, A., 1863. The Grain Aphis, Wheat Midge, etc.. New York State Agricultural Society Transactions 22, 32-38.
Fitch, A., 1863. The Grapevine Beetle and Rose Bug. Country Gentleman 22, 65.
Fitch, A., 1863. Insects. The Illustrated Annual Register Of Rural Affairs And Cultivator Almanac 9, 293-321.
Clinton, G.W., 1864. Plants of Buffalo and its Vicinity. Annual Report of the Regents of the University, on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History 17, 24-35.
Fitch, A., 1864. The Entomologist. A Curious Insect. Country Gentleman 24, 79.
Fitch, A., 1864. The Entomologist. Aphis on Apple-Tree Buds. Country Gentleman 23, 351.
Fitch, A., 1864. The Entomologist. Notes from Dr. Fitch. Country Gentleman 24, 47.
Fitch, A., 1864. The Hunter Weevil. Country Gentleman 23, 384.
Peck, C.H., 1864. Catalogue of Mosses. Annual Report of the Regents of the University, on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History 18, 193-196.
Clinton, G.W., 1865. Flora of the State. Annual Report of the Regents of the University, on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History 18, 197-205.
Fitch, A., 1865. Ants Enemies of Cut-Worms. Journal of the New York State Agricultural Society 15, 79-80.
