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Daniels, R.A., 1995. Nearshore Fish Assemblage of the Tidal Hudson River, in: LaRoe, E.T., Farris, G.S., Puckett, C.E., Doran, D.P., Mac, M.J. (Eds.), Our Living Resources: A Report To The Nation On The Distribution, Abundance, And Health Of U.s. Plants, Animals, And Ecosystems. U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C., pp. 260-263.
Daniels, R.A., 1995. Review of: R. E. Jenkins and N. M. Burkhead. "Freshwater Fishes of Virginia". Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124, 283-284. doi:10.1577/1548-8659-124.2.283
McCabe, T.L., 1995. The Changing Insect Fauna of Albanys Pine Barrens, in: LaRoe, E.T., Farris, G.S., Puckett, C.E., Doran, P.D., Mac, M.J. (Eds.), Our Living Resources: A Report To The Nation On The Distribution, Abundance, And Health Of Us Plants, Animals, And Ecosystems. US Dept. Int., National Biological Survey, Westport, D. C., pp. 166-168.
McCabe, T.L., 1995. The Changing Insect Fauna of Albany's Pine Barrens, in: LaRoe, E.T., Farris, G.S., Puckett, C.E., Doran, D.P., Mac, M.J. (Eds.), Our Living Resources: A Report To The Nation On The Distribution, Abundance, And Health Of U.s. Plants, Animals, And Ecosystems. U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C., pp. 166-168.
Miller, N.G., Hoagland, K.E., 1995. ASC Membership and Dues Categories Reviewed. Association of Systematics Collections Newsletter 23, 23-25.
Miller, N.G., 1995. Consolida regalis S. Gray Naturalized in Genesee County, New York. NYFA (New York Flora Association) Newsletter 6, 6, 7.
Miller, N.G., Mitchell, R.S., 1995. Tracking the Mosses and Vascular Plants of New York State (1836-1994), in: LaRoe, E.T., Farris, G.S., Puckett, C.E., Doran, D.P., Mac, M.J. (Eds.), Our Living Resources: A Report To The Nation On The Distribution, Abundance, And Health Of U.s. Plants, Animals, And Ecosystems. U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C., pp. 209-21.
Sheviak, C.J., 1995. Cypripedium in North America. Wild Orchid Journal [Japan] 12, 22-31.
Miller, N.G., 1994. The Consortium of State Biological Surveys. Association of Systematics Collections Newsletter 22, 6, 7.
Miller, N.G., 1994. Facing up to budgetary challenges at the Biological Survey, New York State Museum. Curator 37, 108-121. doi:10.1111/j.2151-6952.1994.tb01014.x
Miller, N.G., 1994. Natural History of Rensselaer County [New York], in: Schmitt, C.K. (Ed.), Natural Areas Of Rensselaer County, New York. Rensselaer-Taconic Land Conservancy, Inc.; and Environmental Clearing House of Schenectady, Inc., , New York, pp. 5-24.
Molloy, D.P., 1994. Doing Zebra Mussel Research in Russia. Dreissena! (Zebra Mussel Information Clearinghouse Newsletter, Brockport, NY) 5, 13-14.
