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Parker, A.C., 1914. Blood Mixture Among Races. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 262-265.
Parker, A.C., 1914. The Discovery of America as an Incentive to Human Achievement. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 265-268.
Parker, A.C., 1914. Indian Blood. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 261-262.
Parker, A.C., 1914. The League of Peace by Gawasa Wanneh. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 191-195.
Parker, A.C., 1914. The Legal Status of the American Indian. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 213-218.
Parker, A.C., 1914. The Legal Status of the American Indian. Lake Mohonk Conference on the Indian and Other Dependent Peoples, Annual Report 32, 77-82.
Parker, A.C., 1914. Let Us Discover the Human Elements of the Indian Problem. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 183-184.
Parker, A.C., 1914. Marching as to War. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 185.
Parker, A.C., 1914. 'My Race Shall Live Anew': A poem by Almoba Waubunaki (pseudonym of A. C. Parker). Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 125.
Parker, A.C., 1914. The Quaker City Meeting of the Society of American Indians. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 56-59.
Parker, A.C., 1914. Report of the Archaeologist, in: Clarke, J.M. (Ed.), Tenth Report Of The Director Of The Science Division. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 93-102.
Parker, A.C., 1914. The Road to Competent Citizenship. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 178-183.
Parker, A.C., 1914. 'The Robbins' Song': A poem by Almoba Waubunaki (pseudonym of A. C. Parker). Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 190.
Parker, A.C., 1914. A Survey of the [Indian] Problem - Its Elements and Its Ends. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 13-22.
Parker, A.C., 1915. The American Indian, the Government and the Country. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 4, 45.
Parker, A.C., 1915. Certain Important Elements of the Indian Problem. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 2, 24-38.
Parker, A.C., 1915. The Crow Indian. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 3, 129-133.
Parker, A.C., 1915. Frederic Ward Putnam. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 3, 224-227.
Parker, A.C., 1915. In the Path of the Morning Star. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 3, 127-129.
Parker, A.C., 1915. Industrial and Vocational Training in Indian Schools. Society of American Indians Quarterly Journal 3, 86-97.
