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Ambrose, J.D., Mitchell, R.S., 1990. Conservation Strategies: A Focus on Cooperative Action, in: Mitchell, R.S., Sheviak, C.J., Leopold, D.J. (Eds.), Ecosystem Management: Rare Species And Significant Habitats. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 11-13.
Furlow, J.J., Mitchell, R.S., 1990. Betulaceae through Cactaceae of New York State, New York State Museum Bulletin. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New Jersey.
Miller, N.G., 1990. The genera of Meliaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 71, 453-486.
Mitchell, R.S., Sheviak, C.J., Leopold, D.J., 1990. Ecosystem Management: Rare Species and Significant Habitats, New York State Museum Bulletin. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Molloy, D.P., 1990. Progress in the Biological Control of Black Flies With Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, With Emphasis on Temperate Climates, in: de Barjac, H., Sutherland, D. (Eds.), Bacterial Control Of Mosquitoes And Black Flies: Biochemistry, Genetics & Applications Of Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis And Bacillus Sphaericus. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, pp. 161-186.
Ogden, E.C., Mitchell, R.S., 1990. Identification of Plants with Fleshy Fruit, New York State Museum Bulletin. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Sheviak, C.J., 1990. Biological Considerations in the Management of Temperate Terrestrial Orchid Populations, in: Mitchell, R.S., Sheviak, C.J. (Eds.), Ecosystem Management: Rare Species And Significant Habitats. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 194-196.
Steadman, D.W., Kirch, P.V., 1990. Prehistoric Extinction of Birds on Mangaia, Cook Islands, Polynesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87, 9605-9609.
