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Miller, N.G., Crum, H., 1984. Fossombronia in Michigan. The Michigan Botanist 23, 157-163.
Miller, N.G., Alpert, P., 1984. Plant Associations and Edaphic Features of a High Arctic Mesotopographic Setting. Arctic and Alpine Research 16, 11-23. doi:10.2307/1551167
Mitchell, R.S., 1984. Atlas of New York State Ferns, New York State Museum Bulletin. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Molloy, D.P., 1984. The Black Fly Debate. Naho 17, 7-10.
Molloy, D.P., Hannon, B.H., 1984. Diptera - Simuliidae, in: Webb, D.W. (Ed.), Current And Selected Bibliographies On Benthic Biology, 1982. North American Benthological Society and Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, pp. 48-57.
Siegfried, C.A., 1984. Why is Lake Myosotis so Green?. Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve Newsletter Fall Iss, 1-3.
