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any Abbatiello, M. J. Abegg, F. A. Abel, T. J. Acenolaza, G. F. Achmadi, Anang Acker, F. W. Ackley, Brandon J. Adams, M. S. Adams, W. Adams, C. C. Adler, F. J. Adler, P. H. Adovasio, J M Adrain, J. M. Adrian, J. M. Aikman, L. Aime, M. C. Aitken, J. D. Al-Dhahab, S. Al-Tawil, A. A. Albanese, J. R. Albanese, J.R. Albanese., J. R. Albright, J. J. Aldrich, M. J. Aldridge, David C. Aldritch, T. H. Alexander, W. P. Algeo, T. J. Ali, A. E.-F. Aliaga-Rossel, E. Alkire, R. L. Allen, M. S. Allen, T. F. Allen, J. Allen, F. L. Allen, J.M. Alley, R. B. Alling, H. L. Allison, A. Allmon, W. D. Allred, D. V. Aloisi, D. B. Alpert, P. Alrubay, A. Álvarez-Castañeda, Sergio Ticul Amati, L. Ambrose, J. D. Ambrose, P. Ames, K. L. Amsden, T. W. Anastasiu, N. Anders, M.H. Andersen, Michael J. Anderson, E. Anderson, L. M. Anderson, R. V. Anderson, R. S. Anderson, M. Anderson, M. M. Ando, C. Andreas, A. L. Andreas, A. Andres, J. A. Andrew, S. Andrews, E. D. Andrews, P. Andreyko, H. Andrle, R. F. Angermeier, P. L. Anonymous Antcliffe, J. B. Antcliffe, J. A. Antón, M. Aparisi, M. P. Aranburu, Arantza Arefifard, S. Arriagada, J. E. Arriagada., J. E. Arroyave, Jairo Arroyo-Cabrales, J. Arsuaga, J. L. Arsuaga, Juan Luis Arsuaga, Juan Luis Asch, D. L. Ashby, S.L. Aubry, M.-P. Auer, N. A. Austin, Christopher C. Avary, K. L. Azmy, K. Babcock, L.E. Babits, L. E. Bach, R. A. Koch Backhaus, K. J. Bailey, D. Bailey, David G. Bailey, D.G. Bailey, D. G. Bailey, P. K. Bailey, L. H. Bailey, David Bailey, J. W. Baird, Gordon Baird, G.C. Baird, G. E. Baird, S. F. Baird, G. C. Bajc, A. F. Baker, M. D. Baker, R. G. Baker, E. W. Baker, J. G. Baker, V. R. Baker, Justin S. Baker, B. J. Baldigo, Barry P. Balk, R. Baltz, D. M. Bangs, Max R. Baranov, V. V. Barbagallo, T. Barber, E. Barber, L. Barber, M. B. Barber, J. Barbour, J.G. Barbour, J. G. Barbour, Matthew Bárez, Sergio Del Cueto Barkan, E. R. Barker, Pat Barker, Keith Barnes, C. R. Barnes, J. K. Barnosky, A.D. Barosh, P. J. Barr, S. M. Barr, M. E. Barr, A. Barrande, J. Barrow, Lisa N. Barrowclough, George F. Bartholomew, A. J. Bartholomew, A. Bartholomew, M. J. Bartholomew, L.J. Bartlett, C. R. Bartowski, K. E. Barut, S. Baskerville, C. A. Bassett, M. G. Bastamow, M. Bateman, Nick R. Bateman, R. M. Bates, John Bauer, Aaron M. Baxter, M. S. Bayly, Nicholas J. Bazhenov, Mikhail L. Beach, T. Beakes, G. W. Beal, E. O. Beal, W. J. Beardsley, Michael Beardsley, Michael L. Beauchamp, W. M. Beaudry, M. C. Bebb, M. S. Beck, L. C. Becker, R.T. Becker, J. J. Becker, R. T. Beckman, Elizabeth J. Bédard-Daigle, A. Beecher, C. E. Beede, J. W. Beerling, David J. Beerling, D. J. Begun, D. R. Begun, D.R. Beinkafner, K. J. Belant, L. L. Bell, A. J. Bell, Kayce C. Bell, B. M. Bell, Rayna C. Bell, J.N.B. Benedict, R. C. Benedict, L.J. Bengtson, Stefan Bensch, Staffan Benus, A. P. Benus, A.P. Benz, B. W. Berbeleac, I Beresi, M.S. Berg, R. C. Berg, D. R. Berg, E. Bergman, C. A. Bergstrom, S. M. Bergstrom, D. Berkey, C. P. Bernstein, D.J. Bernstein, D. J. Berry, C. M. Berry, C.M. Berry, Christopher M. Berti, C. Betten, C. Bickford, M. E. Bicknell, R. D. C. Bicknell, Russell D C Bielinsi, S. Bielinski, S. Bilger, M. D. Binder, W. J. Birch, J. Birch, Jennifer Bird, B. C. Bird, B. Bird, B. Birx, H. J. Birx, J. H. Bishop, S. C. Biss, J. B. Bjornsson, C. S. Black, A. Blackwell, P. G. Blake, A. Blake, A.W. Blake, M. Blaschka-Eick, von Simone Blaschka-Eick, S. Blázquez-Orta, Raquel Blázquez-Orta, Raquel Bliven, R. Bloch, Jonathan Block, T. Blodgett, R. B. Blois, J.L. Blood, R. Bloomfield, Jay A. Bloomfield, J.A. Bloomfield, J. A. Bodinof, C. M. Bodner, C. C. Boesch, C. Bogan, D.A. Bogan, D. Boggess, L. M. Boisvert, R. A. Boivin, N. Bollen, J. Bombard, R. T. Bonafede, P. Bondioli, Luca Bondioli, L. Bongert, C. Bonham, R.E. Bonvel, S. I. Boone, S.R. Borst, R. L. Boucher, Charles E. Boucot, A. J. Boumehdi, M. A. Bowie, Rauri CK Bowles, M. L. Bowlin, M. S. Bowring, S. A. Bowring, S.A. Bowring, Samuel A. Bowser, S. S. Boyce, W.M. Boyce, W. D. Boyer, Diana Boyko, A. R. Boyle, M. Boylen, Charles W. Boylen, C. W. Brabb, E. E. Bracht, M. Braddy, S. J. Bradley, J.W. Bradley, J. A. Bradshaw, R. H. W. Brann, M. Brasier, A. T. Brasier, M. D. Braswell, G. E. Bray, T. L. Brennan, C. L. Brett, C. Brett, Carlton E. Brett, C. Brett, Carlton Brett, C. E. Brett, R.T. Brewer, C. Bricker, O. P. Bridge, E. Briggs, M.B. Brigham, A. F. Briner, J. P. Briner, Jason P. Bringham, A. P. Bringham-Grette, J. Briscoe, L. Brocke, R. Broderick, W. F. Brodo, I. M. Bronson, Allison W. Brooks, T. Brooks, C. M. Brooks), C. W. Mathews Brooks-Matthews, C. A. Brose, D. S. Broughton, J. G. Brown, Rafe M. Brown, L. D. Brown, I. W. Brown, H. Brown, L. Brown, M. E. Brown, J.A. Brown, P. M. Brown, S. E. Bruce, Spencer A. Bruce, S. A. Brueckner, H. K. Brumbach, H. J. Bryant, W. L. Buck, W. R. Buckwaldt, R. Buddington, A. F. Buikstra, J.E. Buikstra, J. E. Bull, R. Buoniconti, M. R. Burbanck, G. Burbanck, G. P. Burbrink, Frank T. Burch, R. J. Burg, T. M. Burger, J. F. Burke, A. L. Burks, J. M. Burlakova, L. E. Burns, Kevin J. Burr, M. Burreson, E. M. Burt, A. K. Bustamante, C. D. Butler, E. Butler, B. M. Butts, W. L. Bye, R. A. Cadena, Carlos Daniel Cadwell, D. H. Cadwell, D. D. Cadwell, D. H. Cahalane, V. H. Calkin, P. E. Cameron, A. Campbell, J. M. Campbell, J. E. Campbell, J. B. Campisi, J. Canale, R. P. Cannatella, David C. Cantrell, S. A. Carbon, C. Carbone, C. Carbonell, C. Cardinal, J.S. Cardinal, J. S. Carioto, J. Carl, J. D. Carle, L. Carling, K. J. Carling, P. A. Carlson, Douglas M. Carlson, D. M. Carlson, D.M. Carmen, J. C. Carmonaa, Israel Jesus Jime Carr, K. W. Carretero, José Miguel Carroll, J. R. Carson, E. C. Carter, B. J. Carter, C. Castaño, María Isabel Castoe, Todd A. Catling, P. M. Cellinese, N. Center for Environmental Research Cerling, Thure E. Cerling, T. E. Chadwick, G. H. Chait, Brian T. Chakrabarty, Prosanta Chamberlain, S. C. Chamberlain, Steven C. Chamberlain, S. C. Chamberlain, K. F. Chambers, R. C. Chapdelaine, C. Chapin, T. Chapin, C. E. Charles, D. K. Charles, D. F. Chase, B. M. Chatterton, B. D. E. Cheney, T. A. Cherniak, D. J. Chiarenzelli, J.R. Chiarenzelli, J.R. Chiarenzelli, Jeffrey Chiarenzelli, Jeffrey R. Chiarenzelli, J. R. Chiarenzelli, J. R. Chilson, P. B. Chmielewski, J. G. Chmielewski, J. Chormann, F. H. Christiansen, Martin Christie-Blick, N. Christino, F. C. Christy, B. H. Churkin, M. Cicero, Carla Cincotta, Daniel A. Cioflica, L Cioflica, G Ciurca, S. J. Claassen, C. Clake, J. M. Clark, H. Clark, H. Clark, Johnathan Clarke, J. M. Clarke, H. Clarke, N. T. Claudi, Renata Clausen, R. T. Cleaves, E. T. Cleland, Timothy P. Clift, A. Clinton, G. W. Cloutier, R. Clymer, Mark Clymer, Mark L. Coch, N. K. Cochran, W.W. Coffin, L. Cohen, J. E. Coish, R. A. Cole, J. Cole, Holly Colella, Jocelyn P. Coles, F. B. Collier, D. Collins, C.D. Collins, Matthew Collins, C. Collins, D. L. Collins, M. E. Colvin, V. Colwell, A.E.L. Connally, G. G. Conner, P. W. Conner, P. F. Connola, D. P. Connor, P. F. Conrad, L. A. Conrey, R.M. Conroy, Chris J. Conser, W. H. Conservation, New York State Conway, Kevin W. Cook, J. H. Cook, T. M. Cook, Joseph A. Cooke, Hilary A. Cooper, G. A. Cope, Gregory Corbett-Detig, Russell Corbin, J. A. Cordell, L. S. Cornell, D. Corriveau, L. Costello, M. Cournoyer, M. E. Cousens, B. Cowan, C. W. Cox, D. D. Cracraft, Joel L. Craig, L. J. Craig, W. Crawford, G. W. Crawford, Gary W. Creese, J. L. Cremeens, D. L. Cressman, E. A. Crites, Jonathan M. Crocker, D. W. Crofoot, M. C. Crombie, R. I. Crooks, K.R. Crosby, R. J. Crosby, C. R. Crosier, D. M. Crowley, J. Crum, H. Cryan, J. R. Cuching, H. P. Cummings, C. E. Curet, A. Curry, B. B. Curtin, E. V. Curtis, A. Cushing, H. P. Cushman, David Cutler, H. S. Czuchra, B. D'Itri, F.M. Dahlberg, Angelique Dahlin, B. Dahlin, B. H. Dale, V. Dale, N. C. Dale, B. R. Dana, J. D. Daniel, Peter C. Daniels, R. A. Daniels, D. A. Daniels, R. A. Danielsen, E. M. Danker, H. A. Dannenberg, Steven G. Darling, R. S. Darling, R. Darmody, R. G. David, Solomon R. David, B. Davidek, K. L. Davidek, K. E. Davies, G.R. Davies, G. R. Davis, Edward Byrd Davis, E. B. Davis, R. B. Davis, Drew R. Davis, N. L. Davis, Byrd Davis, A. J. Davis, J. F. Dawson, J. C. Dawson, M. R. Day, D. F. de Barjac, H. de Carvalho, A. V. de Castro, J. M. Bermude De Gaspar, Ignacio De Gaspar, Ignacio De Kay, J. E. De Kay, J. C. de Muizon, Christian de Silanes, M. E. López De Simone, D. J. De Tarr, D. N. de Vaate, bij de Verneuil, E. de Vries, B. Dean, R. Dean, J. K. Dean, W. T. Dearness, J. DeBenedictis, J. Decker, H. R. Decker, C. E. DeGroot, R. C. Deitz, L. L. DeKay, J. E. Del Valle, Héctor Delagiarino, G. Delfinado, M. D. Dellagiarino, G. A. Dellwig, L. F. deLorraine, W. M. DeLorraine, W. deLorraine, W. F. Delorraine, W. B. DeLuca, William V. DeMicco, D. Dengler, Alyce A. Denham, T. Denzer, E. Derby, J. R. Dermarkar, Susan Dermarker, S. DeSantis, Larisa R.G. DeSantis, M.K. DeSantis, L. R. G. DeSantis, M. K. DeSantis, L.R.G. DeSantis, .L. R.G. Desimone, D. D Detre, C. H. DeWan, A. A. Di Paolo, Devany Diamond, S. Diamond, Joseph E. Dibble, A. C. Dickel, T. S. Diecchio, R. J. Diehl, R. H. Dietrich, C. H. Dievendorf, G. Diez, J. C. Dillehay, T. D. Dineen, R. J. Dineen, R. Ding, B. DiTroia, A. L. Dittmar, K. DiVirgilio, J. Dixon, D. M. Dobbin, M. Dobbin, S. Dobbin, R. Dobbin, S.M. Doelle, William H. Doenges, S. Domack, E. W. Dominguez, L. Donahue, D. J. Donenges, S. Donnelly, C. Doran, P. D. Doran, D. P. Dragoo, D. W. Drazan, D. J. Driver, D. B. Driver, P. V. Driver, David Drooker, P. B. Droser, M.L. Druzik, J. Dubach, J. Dubuque, J. Dudley, Robert Duflo, T. Duggan, B. J. Duktig, Garrett S. Duliu, O. Dumbacher, John P. Dumont, L. Dumont, K. P. Duncan, R. A. Dunlap, F. Dunn, S. W. Dunn, Robert R. Dunn, J. R. Dunnum, Jonathan L. Duskin, P. Dutcher, W. Dutro, J. T. Dyar, Darby Dyar, M. D. D’Elía, Guillermo Eabry, H. H. Earl, D. A. Eastham, L.C. Eastham, L. C. Eastman, C. R. Easton, M. Eaton, S. W. Eaton, E. H. Eaton-Mordas, A. Eberli, G. P. Eberli, G.P. Ebert, J.R. Eckert, N. L. editors), L. P. Sulliva Edwards, L. E. Edwards, Scott V Edwards, Scott V. Effler, S.W. Effler, S. W. Eggert, J. Ehlers, G. M. Ehlers, W. F. Ehlers, Alix M. Ehlers, J. Eichler, L. W. Eisenstadt, P. Eizirik, E. Elewa, A. M. T. Elias, S. A. Eller, E. R. Elliott, R. Ellis, M. A. Ellis, Christopher J. Elvevold, S. Emmerson, L. A. Emmons, E. Emproto, C. R. Emproto, Christopher R. Endelman, J. E. Engel, T. D. Engel, T. Engelbrecht, W. Engelke, K. W. Engelmann, G. English, A. M. Eppich, Keith E. Epstein, J.B. Erickson, J. Ermacor, D. A. Esch, J. M. Esselstyn, Jacob A. Estaca-Gómez, Verónica et al. Ethington, R. L. Ethridge, R. H. Evenson, E. B. Evenson, Edward B. Ewacha, B. Ewald, S. E. Ewald, S. K. Ezra, M. Faber, M. Fairchild, H. L. Faivovich, Julián Fakundiny, R. H. Famoso, N. A. Famoso, Nicholas A. Farlow, J. O. Farlow, W. G. Farnoso, N. A. Farr, M. S. Farrell, J. L. Farrell, Aisling B. Farrell, A. B. Farrell, P. Farrell, Jeremy L. Farris, G. S. Fatemi, S. Fatka, O. Fausch, K. D. Feest, C. F. Feist, M. Feister, L. M. Feldman, H.R. Felt, E. P. Fenton, W. N. Feranec, Robert S Feranec, Robert S. Feranec, R.S. Feranec, R. S. Ferguson, J. Ferguson, D. Fernald, S. H. Fernald, M. L. Ferrusquía-Villafranca, I. Ferrusquia-Villafranca, I. R. Fetzner, J. W. Fiala, B. Fickies, R.H. Fickies, R. H. Fiedel, Stuart J. Fiedel, S. Fiedman, G. M. Finch, J. Finley, J. R. Finney, S. C. Fiorello, C. V. Fischer, Roman Fischer, R. B. Fisher, C. L. Fisher, C. M. Fisher, D. W. Fisher, T. G. Fisher, J. H. Fitch, A. Fitzgerald, B. T. FitzGerald, Alyssa M. Fitzgerald, Alyssa M FitzGerald, A. M. Fitzhugh, G. A. Fjeldså, Jon Flamand, J. Fleeger, G. M. Fleeger, G.M. Fleischer, Robert C. Fleischer, P. J. Fleischer, Robert C Fleisher, P. J. Fleron, R. W. Flet, E. P. Flint, M. E. T. Flora of North America Editorial Committee Florence, F. P. Flores-Villela, Oscar A. Flower, T. H. Flower, R. H. Flowers, R. H. Fluegeman, R. H. Focht, J. Fokin, S. I. Fonseca, G. Foose, M. P. Forasiepi, Analía M. Ford, Kassandra Ford, B. Forgacs, P. Forgeng, H. M. Fortey, R.A. Fortey, R. A. Foster, J. W. Fountain, T. Fountain, C. Fox, W.A. Fox-Dobbs, Kena Fragoso, J. M. V. Frame, D. D. Franco, B. Franklin, S. P. Franklin, S.P. Franklin, J. D. Franklin, J. Franzi, David A. Franzi, D. A. Fraquemont, E. Fraser, Kevin C Freeman, R.A. Freeman, Nikole E. Frempong-Boadu, J. Fridricksen, J. D. Friedman, G. M. Frieman, R.A. Fritz, R. D. Fritz-Gaertner, R. Fryday, A. M. Frye, L. T. Fuchs, Jérôme Fujita, Matthew K. Fuller, G. D. Funari, P. A. A. Funk, R.E. Funk, R. E. Furlow, J. J. Futyma, R. P. Fyffe, L. R. G., Miller N. Gaimster, D. Gale, M. H. Gallagher, D. Galvez, D. Gamble, L. Gammon, J. R. Gandulla, S. Garcia, Nuria Garcia Garcia, N. Garcia, Nuria Garcia-Alcalde, J .L. Garver, J. Garver, J. I. Gates, A. Gates, A. E. Gates-St-Pierre, C. Gaugler, R. Gaugler, R. R. Gauthier, G. Gawler, S. C. Gaylo, M. J. Gebhard, J. Geffen, E. Gelichi, S. Genheimer, R. Gentoso, M. J. George, C. J. George, Scott D. Geraghty, E. P. Gerardi, J. Gerhard, D. Geyer, Gerd Geyer, G. Geyer, G. Giacalone, J. Giamberini, L. Giarla, Thomas C Giarla, Thomas C. Gibbard, P. L. Gifford, N. A. Gil, P. L. Gilborne, C. Gilby, I. C. Giles, K. Gill, Sharon A Gill, R. J. Gilland, Alexandra J. Gillespie, R. Gillette, S. L. Gillis, Patricia L. Gilotti, J. A. Gimatzidis, Stefanos Gingerich, Joseph A. M. Gingerich, Joseph H. Ginter, A. Giraud, T. Gismondi, Rodolfo Salas Gittleman, J. L. Gittleman, J. G. Gitzen, R. A. Gladfelter, B. G. Glaeser, J. D. Glasgow, R. D. Glasgow, R. Glickerman, D. Glockling, S. L. Godfrey, G. L. Godfrey, L. Godwin, V. Goldberg, D. Goldring, W. Gómez, Camila Gomez-Zapata, P. Gompper, M. W. Gompper, M.E. Gompper, M. E. González, Mónica Major González-Prieto, Ana M. Gonzalez-Ruibal, A. Good, Jeffrey M. Goodbred, S. L. Goodman, R. M. Goodwin, P. W. Gopalakrishnakone, p. Gordon, R. B. Gore, A. Gorring, M. L. Graham, B. Graham, R. W. Graham, B. L. Gramly, R. M. Grammer, G. M. Grancea, L. Grant, N. K. Grasing, S. P. Grasing, S.P. Grasso, T. X. Graves, G. R. Gray, B. R. Greco, C. Green, W. G. Greenbaum, Eli Greene, Harry W. Greenwood, Alex Gregory, W. K. Greiner, E. C. Griffin, B. Griffin`, B. Griggs, C. B. Grills, S.A. Groenewold, G. H. Grohn, L. Gross, G.T. Gross, G. T. Grosz, A.E. Grosz, A. E. Grotzinger, J. P. Grover, T. W. Guerold, F. Guilday, J. E. Guillen, S. Gulick, J. Gupta, N. Guthe, C. E. Guthrie, R. Guzman, A. F. Guzow-Krzemińska, B. Hackett, Shannon Hadley, E. A. Hadly, E. A. Hadly, E.A. Haelewaters, D. Hagadorn, J. W. Haines, J. H. Haines, H. Hajduk, Adam Hall, J Hall, J. Hall, L. M. Hall, J. W. Hall, J. T. Halliwell, D. B. Halsted, B. D. Hamell, G. R. Hamidy, Amir Hamilton, Kathryn Hamlin, J.M. Han, J. Hanchar, J.M. Hanes, J. V. Hanken, James Hankinson, T. L. Hannon, B. H. Hanson, E. L. Hardy, L. Hare, M. P. Hare, Matthew P. Harley, B. Harris, J. Harris, P. M. Harris, P. R. Harris, R. C. Harris, A. G. Harris, John M. Harrison, R.M. Harrison, D. A. Harrison, G. R. Harsch, A. A. Hart, J. P. Hartl, P. Hartnagel, C. A. Harvey, F. L. Harvey-Cantone, L. Haryoko, Tri Hasenmueller, N. R. Haskins, T. Hassen, K. O. Hassett, J. M. Hastings, R. I. Haugh, B. N. Hauptman, L. R. Hauptman, L. Havens, J. J. Hawkins, Melissa TR Hawkins, M. Hayes, J. V. Hayes, Tyrone B. Hayes, C. F. Haynes, J. M. He, Z. He, Ruliang Heaney, Lawrence R. Hebert, Laurel I. Hegmon, M. Heidrich, W. Heiken, G. Heilen, Michael Heinken, G. Heins-Ledogar, Sarah Heins-Ledogar, S. Heisler, M. T. Heldmaier, W. Helgen, L. E. Helgen, K. M. Hendon, J. Henriksen, A. K. Henshaw, R. E. Henson, Fred G. Herbig, H. -G. Herbold, B. L. Herhahn, Cynthia Herman, R. Hernick, Linda VanAller Herr, S.A. Herr, S. Herrgesell, P.L. Herrick, D. H. Hersi, Osman Salad Hervey, A. B. Herzing, L. Herzog, C.J. Heusser, L. E. Hibbard, J. P. Hickerson, M. Hicks, L. E. Higgins, L. Higgins, L. E. Higgins, A. K. Higgins, R. Higgins, S. Hiler, C. Hill, M. L. Hill, K. Hill, E. J. Hillier, S. Hillis, David M. Hilton, Eric J. Hinds, J. W. Hintze, L. F. Hirsch, B. T. Hirsch, B. Hissa, de Barros Via Hixon, D. R. Hixson, D. Hixson, D. R. Hoagland, H. Hoagland, K. E. Hobson, Keith A. Hodgin, Eben Höhn, S. Holland, R. Holland, R. A. Hollander, D. J. Hollinger, J. P. Hollingsworth, Bradford D. Holman, J. A. Holschuh, D. Holway, E. W. Hopkins, Nathan R. Hopkins, S. S. B. Hopkins, Samantha S. B. Hopkins-Benton, A Horning, A. Hornsby, Angela D. Horst, L. Horton, B. Horton, E. Hosner, Peter A. Hotchkiss, N. Houck, R. M. Houde, Frisbee Hough, F. B. Houghton, R. L. House, H. D. Howell, B. F. Howland, J. W. Hoxie, F. E. Hruby, Z. X. Huang, Yen‐Hua Huber, B.T. Huber, B. S. Hudon, Jocelyn Hudson, C. Hudson, S. Huether, J. P. Huey, P. R. Hughes, R. M. Hughes, J. M. Hughes, John M. Huguet, Rosa Hull, J. M. Hunsinger, T. Hunt, M. C. Hunt, T. S. Hunt, R. M. Hunt, Elizabeth P. Hunt, A. P. Hunter, J. Hurd, N. J. Hurlbut, D. L. Husbands, D. R. Hutson, R. S. Hutson, S. R. Illinois Department of Conservation Inman, C. G. Inners, J.D. Inoue, H. Intoh, M. Irham, Mohammad Isachsen, C. E. Isachsen, Y. W. Ivany, Linda Iverson, N. R. Ives, W. G. Jackson, P. J. Jackson, Lawrence J. Jackson, S. T. Jacobi, R. D. Jacobsen, R. Jakes, K. A. James, T. Y. James, H. F. Jamnback, H. Jansa, Sharon Jansen, P. Jansen, P. A. Javier-Jimenez, Diego R. Jedrzejewska, B. Jedrzejewski, W. Jennings, W. F. Jennings, J. D. Jercinovic, Michael Jeske, R. J. ji, M. Jiménez, Rosa Alicia Jirkov, Igor A. Johansson, P. Johnson, E. Johnson, D. D. P. Johnson, L. L. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, B. E. Johnson, M. K. Johnson, J. T. Johnson, Glenn Johnson, D. Johnson, R. A. Johnson, A. W. Johnson, M. E. Johnson, L. M. Johnson, E Johnston, S. Jolie, R. Jones, Andrew W. Jones, E. E. Jones, A. W. Jones, C. Jones, J. O. Jordan, T. E. Jordan, T. Joseph, Leo Joutel, L. H. Jr., Samudio Jude, R Jull, A. J. T. Jumbam, B. Junium, Christopher K. Kahn, B. A. Kahn, B. Kaishian, P. Kalczynski, M. J. Kalko, E. K. V. Kalsbeek, F. Kane, N. Kanfoush, S. L. Kaplan, B. Karabinos, P. M. Karabinos, P. Karaca, C. Karatayev, A. Y. Karig, D. E. Karin, T. S. Karr, J. L. Karsten, J. K. Kartesz, R. Kartesz, J. Kasaki, S. M. Kasdin, J. Kashian, Donna R. Kasiki, S. M. Kasprycki, S. S. Katz, D. A. Katz, D.A. Katzenberg, M. A. Katzenberg, Anne Kaufman, A. J. Kaufman, S. Kaushik, N. K. Kay, M. Kays, Roland Kays, R. W. Kearney, M. W. Keenan, J. T Keepers, K. Kehew, A. E. Kehew, A. E. Keirans, J. E. Keith, A. R. Keller, B. J. Kellogg, J. L. Kelly, L.S. Kelly, J. F. Kelly, W. M. Kelly, J.E. Kemna, M. E. Kemp, J. F. Kenoyer, L. A. Kent, D. Keppe, J.D. Keppie, Fraser Keppie, Duncan Keppie, D. F. Keppie, J. D. Kerber, J.E. Kernan, P. Kesler, D. C. Ketchledge, E. H. Ketner, K. B. Khaing-Fields, A. A. Kibbey, Marc R. Kidd, W. S. F. Kilfoyle, C. F. Kilgour, W. J. Kilian, T. M. Kim, D. H. Kim, K. C. Kim, D. K. Kim, J. Kimmerer, R. W. Kimmitt, A. A. Kincare, K. A. King, A. Kinney, S. Kirch, P. V. Kirchgasser, W.T. Kirchgasser, W. T. Kirchman, Jeremy J Kirchman, J. J. Kirchman, Jeremy J. Kirk, M. Kirk, Matthew Kirkland, J. T. Kirkland, J. Kislak, J. Kiss, Andor J. Klapper, G. Kleinegger, C. Klemens, M.W. Klemperer, S. Kloc, G. J. Kluessendorf, J. Knapp, Timothy Knecht, E. M. H. Knoll, A. H. Knowles, J. C. Knox, L. A. Kodama, K. P. Kodama, Kenneth P. Koepfli, K.-P. Kohler, S. A. Kolata, D. L. Kolozsvary, M. B. Kolozsvary, M.B. Königshof, P. Konstant, W. R. Koo, Michelle S. Kopache, M.E. Kopper, J. S. Koster, L. J. Kouchinsky, A. Kouchinsky, Artem Kovacs, M Kozacek, E. Kozlowski, A. L. Kozlowski, A. Kozuch, L. Kraft, H. C. Kramarz, Alejandro Kranstauber, G. Kranstauber, B. Kratter, A.W. Kratzmann, D. Krause, Maureen K. Krayesky, D. Krayesky, D. M. Kreidler, L. Kreidler, W. L. Kreilkamp, V. Krieger, L. C. C. Kroeger, B. Kroger, B. Krumdieck, N. W. Kruse, P. D. Kuemmeth, F. Kuhn, R. D. Kukwa, M. Kummel, B. Kurandina, D. P. Kurtenbach, J. Kusimba, C. M. Kutruff, J. T. Labandeira, C. C. Labeyrie, E. S. Lacey, Eileen A. LaDuc, Travis J. Laflamme, M. Lafontaine, J. D. LaGreca, S. Lain, A. Laker, M. T. Lambert, T. D. Lambert, T. Lanata, José Luis Land, L. Lander, Devin R. Lander, D R. Lander, D. R. Landing, E. Landing, E. Langdon, R. Laplana, César LaPoint, S. C. LaPoint, S.D. LaPorta, Philip C. LaRoe, E. T. Laruelle, F. H. Laruelle, F. Lash, G. Lassiter, W. L. Latinis, K. Laub, R. S. Lauber, J. M. Laughlin, A. W. LAURENT, RYAN A. ST. Laurent, R. A. St. Laurent, R. A. St. Laverdiere, J. W. Lawlor, W. K. Layug, C. R. K. Lazreq, N. Leaché, Adam D. Leake, J. R. Leake, Jonathan R. LeBrun, R. LeCroy, M. Ledogar, S. H. Ledogar, Sarah Heins Ledogar, Sarah Heins Leduc, P. Lee, D. C. Lee, J.-G. Lee, E. J. Lee-Thorp, J. Lee-Thorp, Julia Leighton, H. Lemak, J. A. Leme, DM Lenardi, M. Lenardi, M.J. Lendemer, J. C. Lenig, D. Lenig, W. Leonard, P. M. Leonardi, L. Leone, J.R. Leone, J. Leopold, D. J. Lesage, L. Lessa, Enrique P. Lester, G. W. Lester, J.N. Letsinger, S. L. Lev, S. M. Levashova, Natalia M. Lewis, D. M. Lewis, C. F. M. Lewis, F. B. Lezcano, Maximiliano Li, Z. Liberty, B. A. Librenti, M. Lichstein, E. Lichtenwald, S. K. Lichtig, A. L. Lichtwardt, R. W. Liebherr, J. K. Light, J.E. Light, J. E. Lightfoot, K. G. Limburg, K. E. Lincoln, Emily S. Lindemann, R. H. Lindemann, Richard Lindner, C. Lindquist, G. E. E. Lindsey, E. L. Linklaeu, L. Linnemann, U. Linsenmair, K. E. Lintner, J. A. Lipps, J. Lipps, J. H. Lipps, J. E. Liston, M.A. Liu, Z. Liu, A. G. Lobeck, A. K. Lochman, C. Logan, W. E. Long, G. E. E. Long, R. A. Longacre, S. D. Longacre, S. A. Loope, D. B. López-Fernández, Hernán Lopez-Uribe, M. M. Lord, M. L. Lord, P. Lorenc, Lydia Lorentzen, B. Lorentzen, Brita Lorenz, Gus M. LoRusso, M.S. LoRusso, M.S. Lothrop, J. C. Lothrop, Jonathan C. Lou, Y. Loughmiller-Cardinal, Jennifer Loughmiller-Cardinal, Jennifer Ann Loughmiller-Cardinal, Jennifer A. Loughmiller-Cardinal, J. A. Lovis, W. A. Lovis, William A. Lowell, T. V. Lowery, Darrin L. Lowman, M. D. Lu, Wanyi Lu, Zunli Lucas, S. P. Lucas, Michael T. Ludvigsen, R. Ludvigsten, R. Lugurt, C. M. Lukezic, C. Lundblad, S. P. Lundelius, E. L. Luoma, J. A. Lupulescu, M. V. Lupulescu, Marian V. Lusteck, R. Luther, D. D. Luzzadder-Beach, S. Lydon, J. Lyern, L.M. Lynch, A. Lynn, D. H. Lyons, T. W. Lytle, W. S. Mabee, S. B. Mac, M. J. Macaoay, S. MacDonald, D. W. Macdonald, Francis A. MacDonald, D. MacDonald, D. H. Macdonald, D.W. MacDougall-Shackleton, Elizabeth A MacFadden, B. J. MacGabhann, B. A. MacKay, P. Mackenzie, Stuart A. Mackey, D. P. Mackie, Meaghan MacLeod, K. G MacPhee, Ross D. E. Madden, G. D. Madden, S. S. Maderazzo, Marc Madrigal, T. C. Maenza-Gmelch, T. E. Magnoni, R. Magnoni, A. Mahan, S. Maher, L. J. Mainfort, R. C. Majewski, T. Maldonado, J. E. Malhotra, A. Malin, G. Malm, T. Manchester, J. Mancini, Mark T. Mandel, J. Mangnoni, A. Manley, P. Manley, T. Mann, R. Manning, Sturt W. Manning, S. W Manning, S. W. Mannolini, F. Mannolini, S. Mansell, E. Manzano, B. Manzitto-Tripp, E. A. Marcoux, E. Mares, R. Marino, T. Marr, D. Marsh, Diana E. Marsh, D. Marshall, J. E. A. Marshall, R. C. Marshall, G. Marshall, W. B. Marshall, P. C. Marshall, S. Marshall, John E.A. Martin, D. Martin, P. S. Martin, Fabiana M. Martin, R. A. Martin, Christopher H. Martinsen, E. S. Martinson, E. O. Martinson, E. Marvinney, R. G. Masaferro, J. L. Masi, Janey M. Mason, Nicholas A. Mason, P. Mason, O. K. Mass, J. Masson, M Masterson, A. R. Mastitsky, S. E. Mather, W. W. Mathews, D. A. Mathews, J.P. Matitsky, S. E. Matson, R. G. Matterson, D.K. Matthews, J. J. Matthews, D. A. Mayer, D. A. Mazariegos, O. C. Mazeau, D. E. Mazumder, Rajat McCabe, T. L. McCabe, J. McCain, C. M. McCarthy, J.P. McCarthy, Kyle P. McCarthy, J. P. McCord, W. R. McCormack, John E. McCoy, P. McCoy, P. C. McCoy, W. D. McDaniel, S. F. McDermott, C. McDonald, Brandon W. McDonald, Jennifer McDonald, H. G. McDonald, Gregory McDonald, H. G. McDonough, J. L. McDougal, K. M. McGlade, W. G. McGuire, Jimmy A. McGuire, J. A. McIlhenny, E. A. McIlroy, D. McInerney, Nancy Rotzel McKendree, W. McKinley, D. McKinley, D. L. McKnight, Matthew D. McLelland, J. McLelland, L. McLelland, J. M. McLoughlin, N. McMahan, Caleb D. McManamon, F. P. McMullin, E. R. McMullin, Erin McMullin, R. T. McNutt, C. H. McVaugh, R. Meachen, J. Mead, J. I. Meade, M. Meade, G. M. Meades, S. Means, Bernard K. Means, R. G. Means, B. K. Meany, J. F. Meehan, T. Meert, Joseph G. Megathlin, G. R. Meier, A. Meier, S. Melbin, B. B Menon, L. R. Merrell, J. H Merrill, F. J. H. Merrill, J. H. Merritt, R. W. Merriwether, D. A. Merwin, D. E. Metcalf, C. L. Metheny, K. B. Metlevski, J. Meulemans, Matthew Meyer, C. Meyer, C. F. J. Meyer, A. Meyer, A. M. Meyler, Shannon R. Mghazli, K. Mickelson, D. M. Mihuc, T. B. Mihuc, J. R. Mihuc, T.B. Mikulic, D.G. Miller, Jl. Miller, N. G. Miller, G. Miller, W. J. Miller, Norton Miller, B. B. Miller, N. Miller, L. A. Miller, C. L. Miller, D. L. Miller, A. D. Miller, N. G. Miller, L. Millesi, J. P. Milligan, J. M. Mills, P. R. Mills, Andrea Millspaugh, J. J. Milner, G. Milner, C. M. Milton, J. A. Minguez, L. Miroff, Laurie Mishler, B. D. Mitchell, R. S. Mitchell, Matthew W. Mittermeier, C. G. Mittermeier, R. A. Mittermeir, R. Mock, T. D. Moczydlowska, M. Moczydlowska-Vidal, M. Moeller, R. W. Moffitt, A. Mogensen, G. S. Mohibullah, M. Molloy, L. Molloy, D. P. Molloy, Kelly Monfil, A. K. Monheimer, R. H. Montanez, I. P. Montes, Melissa Monteverde, D.H. Montgomery, W. Moodie, R. L. Mooney, H. Moore, J. C. Moore, P.E. Moore, R. B. Moorehead, W. K. Morado, J. F. Moragne, S. Moreno, R. S. Moreno, R. Morgan, R. Morgan, A. V. Morgan, A. P. Morgan, W. A. Morgan, T. C. Morgan, L. H. Morong, T. Morris, Jennifer L. Morris, J. L. Morrison, B.A. Morse, R. S. Morse, J. T. Morse, S. Moskowitz, D. Moss, L. E-. Moxham, R. L. Moxley, J. Moyle, P. B. Moyle, Robert G. Mrinalini Muller, E. H. Muller, O. H. Muller, J. Mundell, H. Murphy, A. E. Murphy, D.C. Murphy, J. Murphy, Michael T Murphy, R. C. Murphy, J. B. Murphy, M. Murray, D. Musiani, M. Myrow, P. M. Myrow, P.M. Myrow, Paul Myrow, P. Nachman, Michael W. Naczi, R. Nance, R. D. Narbonne, G. M. Narbonne, E. Nardy, R. V. Nascimento, de Santana do Nash, C. Nason, E. R. Nass, J. P. Nelson, R. E. Nelson, W. J. Nelson, D. E. Nelson, L. L. Nemeth, M. J. Nester, P. L. Neuman, R. B. Neusius, P. D. Neusius, S. W. Neusius, S.W. Nevin, C. M. New York State Geological Association New York State Geological Survey New York State Museum Newby, P. E. Newland, D. H. Newland, H. D. Newman, Amy Newman, W. S. Newton, T. J. Nguyen, J. J. Niemi, W. D. Nierzwicki-Bauer, Sandra A. Nierzwicki-Bauer, S. C. Noble, A. Nolan, K. C. Norling, D. L. Norris, Ryan Nottis, G. N. Novembre, J. Nowak, R. Nowicki, Jakub Nutman, A. P. Nyahay, R. E. Nye, P. O'Brien, Griffin P. O'Connell, K. O'Keefe, Robin O'Neill, K. Obando, D. Offield, T. W. Oftedal, M. C. Ogden, E. C. Ojeda, Ricardo A. Oka, R. Oliver, J. Oliver, W. A. Olmsted, J. F. Olsen, Jesper V. Olson, Link E. Olson, Storrs L Olson, T. R. Olson, P. Olson, Storrs L. Olson, S. L. Onn, Chan Kin Orser, C.E. Orser, C. E. Ortega, A. Ortega-Hernández, Javier Orth, D. J. Osgood, S. C. Ostrander, E. A. Oswald, Kenneth J. Ovcharenko, M. A. Over, D. J. Over, J. Over, Jeffrey Owen, D. E. Owoc, M.A. Oyler-McCance, Sara Pagnac, D. C. Pagnac, D. Pahlavan, D. S. Pair, D. L. Pal, A. Palacio, T. Palka, J. Palmer, M. Palmer, R. S. Palmer, D. F. Palmier, F. C. Palumbo, J. R. Pan, Y. Paradis, M. Parenti, Lynne R. Paris, F. Parker, S.T. Parker, H. Parker, K. Parker, K. C. Parker, A. C. Parker, T.S. Parks, C. R. Parra-Olea, Gabriela Pasquini, J. F. Passey, B. H. Passey, Benjamin H. Patrick, Sternberg Patterson, B. D. Patterson, B.D. Patterson, W. D. Patterson, Bruce D. Patton, James L. Paul, A. T. Paul, E. A. Pauly, Gregory B. Pavan, Silvia E. Pavey, R. R. Payne, R. M. Paytan, A. Pe-Piper, G Pearsall, D. M. Pearson, S. M. Pecha, M. E. Pechanski, D. Peck, C. H. Peck, W.H. Pegan, T. M. Pellerin, J. Pellicena, Ángeles-Pellicena Pencak, W. Pendergast, J. F. Peng, S. Penkman, Kirsty Penskar, M. R. Peralta, S. Percival, I.G. Pérez, Sebastián-Díaz Perez, C. Perkins, Troi Perkins, M. Perry, R. Pershyn, Carrianne E. Perttula, T. K. Peteet, D. Petersen, M. S. Petersen, E. U. Petersen, P. Peterson, Townsend Petkeviciute, R. Pfeiffer, J. E. Phelps, O. P. Phillips, T. Pickands, M. Pickering, J. Picu, R. C. Piestrzynski, A Pilgrim, J. Piller, Kyle R. Pilney, J. J. Pilot, M. Pinto, C. M. Piro, A. Platt, J. L. Plaxton, E. H. Poe, Steven Pohl, M. E. D. Pojeta, J. Pollinger, J. P. Pomeroy, P. W. Pope, K. O. Porreca, Charles Porreca, C. Porter, W. Portnoy, David S. Potter, A. M. Potvin-Leduc, D. Powell, J. Powers, Sarah K. Pratt, K. Pratt, B. R. Pratt, Brian R. Preall, R. J. Presslee, Samantha Presti, K. T. Prezzano, S. C. Price, S. A. Price, Samantha A. Price, J. D. Prieto, Irene Prieto, Santiago Primeau, K. Prince, K. K. Prucha, J. J. Ptach-Styn, Ł. Pu, Judy P. Pucherelli, Sherri Puckett, C. E. Pujos, François Pulgarín-R, Paulo C. Pulgarín‐R, Paulo C. Pullammanappallil, S. Pullen, A. T. Pyle, J. Quattro, Joseph M. Quinn, S. O. Quinn, Scott O. Quinn, S. O. Quinn, K. E. Quirk, J. Rabosky, Alison R. Davis Rabosky, Daniel L. Racheboeuf, P. R. Rader, E. K. Rafferty, S. Rafferty, S. M. Rajagopal, S. Rakovan, J. Ralston, Joel Ralston, J. Ramezani, Jahandar Ramlal, K. Randi, E. Ransier, H. E. Raoult, D. Rataul, R. C. Rattenborg, N. Rau, J. L. Rau, E. A. Raub, Timothy D. Raup, D. Raven, H. C. Ravenel, H. W. Raviele, M. E. Raxworthy, Christopher J. Ray, J.C. Ray, J. C. Ray, C. J. Ray, V. F. Rayburn, J. A. Raynal, D. J. Rayne, T. W Rayner, G. A. Raynor, G. S. Read, J. F. Reber, E. A. Reddy, Sushma Redfield, W. C. Reed, J. C. Reed, D.L. Reed, D. L. Reeder-Myers, L. Reese, J. Regan, S. Regan, S. P. Regan, P. T. Regan, S.P. Regan, Sean Reguero, Marcelo Reichard, U. H. Reid, S. Reilley, E. M. Reinhard, K.J. Repetski, J. E. Retallack, G. J Retallack, G.J. Reuter, Matthew B. Rexroad, C. Reyes, S. P. Reyman, J. E. Reynolds, R. C. Rhoads, A. Rice, M. Rich, J. L. Richard, J-F Richard, L. V. Richards, R. L. Richards, A. G. Richards, J. D. Richards, H. G. Rick, T.C. Rickard, L. V. Rico-Guevara, Alejandro Rider, G. Rieman, T. D. Ries, H. Rieth, C. B. Riley, S.P.D. Rinchard, J. Ripperdan, Robert L. Ripperdan, R. L. Rippeteau, B. E. Risley, J. H. Ritche, W. A. Ritchie, W. A. Rittenour, T. M. Rittner, D. Riva, J. F. Riva-Murray, K. Riyanto, Awal Rizvi, U. Roberts, M. Roberts, Mark A. Robertson, J. A. Robinson, S. C. Robinson, George Robinson, G. W. Robinson, Susan Robinson, George W. Robinson, W. D. Robinson, G.W. Robison, R. A. Rocha, Luiz A. Rodbell, D. T. Rodbell, D.T. Rodning, C. Rodrigues, G. B. Rodrigues, C. S. Rodrigues, S. C. Rodríguez, Laura Rogala, J. T. Rogers, D. Rogers, W. B. Rogers, H. D. Rogerson, C. T. Rogerson, J. Roitman, V. A. Rolain, J-M Ron, Santiago R. Rosenswig, R. Rosenswig, Rob Ross, R. J. Ross, Angelena M. Ross, B. Ross, J. Rossman, George R. Rota, C. T. Roth, E. L. Rotzel-McInerney, N. Roubik, D. W. Rovito, Sean M. Rowcliffe, J. M. Rowcliffe, M. Rowe, Kevin C. Rowe, R. Rowell, H. C. Rowley, Jodi Roy, D. C. Roz, A. P. Rozanov, A. Y. Ruane, Sara Ruedemann, R. Ruegg, K. Ruff, F. J. Rusch, M. Rush, L. Rushton, A. Rushton, A.W.A. Rushton, A. W. A. Ryan, J. Ryder, R. T. Sageman, B. B. Salazar-Valenzuela, David Salkin, I. F. Salwen, B. Samson, S. Samson, S. D. Sanderson, W. E. Sanderson-Kilchenstein, D. Santangelo, M. Santoro, C. Saputo, D Sarala, P. Sastry, S. Saul, Gwendolyn W Saunders, N. J. Saunders, A. A. Saunders, L. P. Savage, B. Sawyko, P. M. Scaglia, Fernando Scanga, S. E. Scarry, C. M. Schablitsky, J. M. Schadler, M. H. Schadler, M. Schafer, D. Schallreuter, R. Schambach, F. Schaming, M. A. Schauble, C. Schechter, S. L. Scheepers, L. Scheffel, R. L. Scherer, J. L. Schiaparelli, Stefano Schimmrich, S. H. Schindler, E. Schireman, Raymond G. Schirtzinger, E. E. Schlische, R. Schlosser, K. Schmidt, R. E. Schmidt, F. J. W. Schmidt, Robert E. Schmidt, R. Schmitt, V. A. Schmitt, C. K. Schmitz, M. D. Schmitz, Mark D. Schneider, K. J. Schoch, W. F. Schofield, W. B. Schoonmaker, W. J. Schrader, L. H. Schramm, T. J. Schroeter, Elena R. Schubel, S. E. Schuchert, C. Schulenberg, J. K. Schultz, R. Schultz, M. Schulz, J. H. Schuster, R. M. Schuyler, P. Schwartz, Spencer G. Schweitzer, D. F. Schwenker, C. D. Scott, W. E. Scott, W. E. Scott, P. A. Scribner, F. L. Sebestyen, V. M. Selempo, E. Selleck, B. Selleck, B. Semikhatov, M. A. Semkov, A. G. Semkow, T. M. Servais, T. Seth, Dennis M. Severson, T. J. Sevilla, Paloma Seymour, A. B. Shadis, I. B. Shafie, Termeh Sharrett, S. Shaver, R. H. Shaw, W. H. Shaw, C. A. Shaw, W. T. Shaw, G.H. Sherrod, L. Sheviak, C. J. Shields, J. D. Shiels, D. R. Shimzu, M Shoemaker, S. Shreckengost, B. Shultz, Allison J. Shuman, B. Sidell, Asch Sidlauskas, Brian Sidorovich, V. Siebert, A. L. Siegfried, C. A. Siegfried, C. A. Signor, P. W. Signor, P. V. Sigwart, Julia Sikes, Derek S. Silliman, B. Silver, A. Silvy, N. J. Simmons, Nancy B. Simon, T. P. Simos, M. G. Simpson, G. B. Simpson, G. Singer, Z. L. Singer, J. W. Singer, Zachary L. F. Singer, S. Singer, J. Singer, I. A. Singer, Jared Wesley Singer, Jared Singer, J. W. Sinnott, T. J. Sinopoli, D .A. Sinton, C. Sion, B. Sirkin, L. Skaggs, D. C. Skeen, Heather Skevington, D. Skiba, J. B. Skiba, P. V. Skinner, A. Sklute, Elizabeth C. Slack, J. F. Slater, G. Slater, Graham J. Slater, B. E. Slauson, K. M. Slikas, Elizabeth Slikas, E. Slossen, J. E. Slysh, A. R. Smith, L. Smith, S. J. Smith, A. J. Smith, M. W. Smith, P. V. Smith, J. Smith, M. E. Smith, C. A. Smith, F. C. Smith, C. Smith, J. A. Smith, E. S. C. Smith, P. C. Smith, S.M. Smith, B. Smith, J.A. Smith, L. B. Smith, M. T. Smith, B. D. Smith, W. E. Smock, J. C. Smyth, W. J. Snelling, A. M. Snethkamp, P. Snoke, W. A. Sobik, C. Sobik, S. Sokohatskyi, M. P. Song, Zihui Sopko, J. Southard, R. J. Southon, J. Southon, J. R. Southon, John Spada, M. E. Sparling, D. R. Spear, R. W. Speight, M. R. Spencer, Carol L. Spiess, Arthur E. Spiess, A. E. Spinks, Emily Spoelstra, K. Spongberg, S. A. Sprinkle, J. St Laurent, R. A. St-Pierre, Gates St-Pierre, Christian Gates St.Laurent, R. A. Stafford, T. W. Stafford, K. W. Stainbrook, K. M. Staley, D. Staller, J. E. Stallman, J. K. Stander, E. J. Stander, J. Stander, E. Stander, P. Staneviciute, G. Stanton, T. Starkloff, N. C. Starkloff, Naima C. Starkloff, Naima Starna, W. A. Starnes, Wayne C. Steadman, D. W. Stefanik, M. Stefanik, P. A. Stegemann, E. Stein, William E. Stein, W.E. Stein, G. Stein, W. E. Steiner, Michael Stephenson, R. C. Steponaitis, V. P. Sternbach, C. A. Stevens, R. K. Stewart, D. J. Stewart, D. P. Stiassny, Melanie L. J. Stibbs, S. Stockton‐Fiti, Kelly Stokes, N. A. Stone, A. Stoner, D. Stoner, L. C. Stoner, D. H. Storrs, G. W. Strayer, D. L. Streby, Henry M Streicher, Jeffrey W. Streng, M. Struble, R. H. Stuart, Bryan L. Stuckenrath, R. Stuckey, R. Stunzenas, V Sturtevant, W. C. Sullivan, T. J. Sullivan, L. P. Sullivan, M. Summers, Adam P. Sunderman, J. A. Suneson, N. H. Surash, C.A. Sutherland, Scott Sutherland, James W. Sutherland, J.W. Sutherland, Andrew Sutherland, J. W. Sutherland, D. Sutter, J. Sutton, Alex O. Sutton, G. M. Svenson, G J. Svenson, G. J. Swain, E. L. Swaney, Keith Swanson, S. E. Swart, P.K. Swart, P. K. Sweet, R. C. Sweet, W. C. Sweetwood, R. V. Swenson, G. Swenson, G.W. Swift, E. L. Swinehart, A. L. Swiontek, J. Swisher, Robert E. Syracuse University Press Syzdek, L. D. Szlachetko, D. L. Tabor, S. Taché, K. Taché, H. Taché, Karine Tache', K. Taglioretti, Matías Takeuchi, G. T. Takeuchi, Gary T. Tamulonis, K. L. Tang, L. Tank, Samantha Tarvin, Rebecca D. Tauzer, Lila Tavera, Jose Taverner, P. A. Taylor, M. E. Taylor, E. F. Taylor, N. Teague, L. Teale, C. L. Teale, S. A. Teilly, E. M. Terasmae, J. Termignoni-Garcia, Flavia Terrell, J. E. Terry, R. E. TerWee, J.A. TerWee, J. A. Tesmer, I. H. Teta, Pablo Tetlie, O.E. Textile Society of America Thern, J. Thern, E. Thomas, M. A. Thomas, J. Thomas, T. Thomason, J. F. Thompson, M. Thompson, B. A. Thompson, K. F. Thompson, W. B. Thompson, T. B. Thompson, R. G. Thompson, Cody W. Thompson, T. L. Thorleifson, L. H. Thorstenson, D. C. Thorup, K. Thrash, Benjamin C. Thwaites, F. T. Tilak, A. Tilak, S. Timm, Robert M. Tocci, G. E. Todd, V. R. Tollerton, V. P. Tollo, R. P. Toney, J. L. Tooker, E. Torres-Carvajal, Omar Torrey, J. Trajanovska, S. P. Trajanovski, S. L. Traudt, K.S. Trayler, Robin B. Traylor, Jonathan P. Trelease, W. Tremblay, J. V. Trembly, S. L. Treworgy, J. D. Trigger, B. Trigoboff, N. Trimm, H. W. Tripp, W. Troyer, J. E. Troyer, J.L. Trust, New York State Tseng, Z. J. Tsuchiya-Jerep, M. T. N. Tucker, G. C. Tucker, Holly Tullis, J. A. Tung, T. A. Turck, J.A Turner, W. C. Turner, Wendy C. Tymeson, M. Tønsberg, T. U. S. Bureau of Mines Udubasa, S. Ulrich, E. O. Undeen, A. H. Ungvari-Martin, Judith Urban, J. M. Urquhart, G. R. Utter, B. L. Vagle, G. L. Vaillancourt, D. Vaillencourt, D. Valentino, D. Valladares, Maria I. Valley, P. Van Covering, J. A. van der Linde, S. van der Velde, G. Van Devender, T. R. van Iten, H. Van Keuren, A. E. van Miltenburg, N. Van Nest, J. Van Tyne, A. M. Vana-Miller, D. L. VanAller Hernick, L. Vanderwoude, S. VandeWoude, S. Vandrei, C. E. VanNest, J. Vanuxem, L. VanWagenen, K. Vargas, V. Vargas, C. P. Varney, T.L. Vashishth, Deepak Vaughan, H. Vavrasek, J. L. Vendrasco, Michael Veni, G. Venti, N. L. Venzke, K. Ver Straeten, C. A. Verhaeg, Emily A. Versaggi, N. Vezhnovets, G. G. Vickery, P. D. Vinikour, W. S. Visser, M. D. Voelker, Gary Vogel, J. S. Vohwinkel, R. Voirin, J. B. Voirin, B. Volkova, L. K. Vollmer, F. W. Vollmer, F. Volosyuk, V. V. vonHoldt, B. M. Voss, Robert S. Vyssotski, A. L. Wacker, K. S. Wade., S. E. Wagner, D. Wagner, M. J. Wagner, D. L. Wagner, W. R. Wagoner, B. Waite, J. G. Wake, Marvalee H. Walcott, C. D. Walcott, C. K. Waldman, J. Wall, G. R. Wall, W. J. Wall, W. Wallace, S. Waller, D. L. Waller, R. M. Waller, Diane Walrath, L. Walsh, J. P. Walsh, G. J. Walsh, T. Walsh, J. Walter, Michael R. Walter, M. R. Walter, M. Walters, G. R. Walton, M. Wang, Ian J. Wang, Y. Z. Wang, Y.-Z. Wardlaw, B. R. Warkentin, Ian G. Warkentin, Ian G Warkentin, I. G. Warren, J. Waselkov, G. A. Waters, N. N. Waters, C. N. Waters, W. E. Watson, J. E. Watson, E. B. Watson, Jessica E. Watthews, T. H. Watthews, T. Watts, C. M. Wayne, R. K. Weary, D. J. Weatherwax, J. Weatherwax, B. R. Webb, T. Webb, D. W. Webby, B. D. Weber, C. N. Weber, C. Weber, K. L. Weber, J. A. Webers, G. F. Webster, M. Webster, H. E. Webster, L. Webster, L. D. Weddle, T. K. Weed, C. S. Weeks, J. Wei, W. Weible, R. Weiner, R. W. Weinman, T. Weinman, P. Weinman, P. L. Weinzerl, R. Weir, Jason Weiss, Vicki Wekima, D. D. Weller, K. Wellman, Charles H. Wellman, C. H. Wellman, B. Wendel, J. F. Werdelin, L. Werne, J. P. Werren, J. H. Wesler, K. Westphal, H. Westrop, P. R. Westrop, Stephen R. Westrop, S. R. Westrop, S.R. Whaley, R. Wheeler, G. Wheeler, D. Whelan, L. Wherry, E. T. Whitaker, Darroch M Whitaker, Darroch M. White, K. H. White, W. L. White, C. E. Whitehead, K. Whitehouse, R. J. Whitfield, R. P. Whiting, M. F. Whiting, D. G. Whitlock, H. P. Whitlock, H.P. Whitney, P. R. Whitney, E. Whitney, P. R. Whitney, E. G. Whitney, J. D. Whittier, T.R. Whittier, T. R. Wholey, H. Wiegmann, B. M. Wiener, R. W. Wikelski, M. Wilcox, J. A. Wilke, T. Wilkinson, R.G. Willey, G. R. Williams, J. Williams, Michael Williams, E. H. Williams, C. Williams, P. R. Williams, M. Williamson, Ronald F. Williamson, R. F. Wilson, P. C. Wilson, D. Wilson, C. Wilson, D. E. Wilson, H. D. B. Wilson, T. Y. Wimbledon, W. A. P. Winchell-Sweeney, S. Wing, S. L. Winger, Benjamin M. Winger, B. M. Winker, Kevin Winkler, D. A. Wirgin, I. Wirth, W. W. Wise, Jeremy Wise, J. K. Wisniewski, S. J. Wita, I. Withjack, M. Witt, Christopher Witt, C. C. Witzke, Brian Wixson, E. C. Wolle, F. Wommack, Elizabeth A. Wong, Wai Hing Wood, C. S. Wood, C. E. Wood, C. Woodrow, D. Woodworth, Bradley K. Wotte, Thomas Wotte, T. Wraight, S. Wraight, S. P. Wright, B. H. Wright, S. F. Wright, Jeremy J. Wright, T. F. Wright, S. H. Wright, J. J Wu, M.-L. Wu, M-L. Wuebber, J.W. Wurdak, E. Wurst, L. Wyatt, B. Wyman, R. L. Wysocki, M. A. Xinakes, L. J. Yang, J. Yang, E. P. Yanuck-Platt, E. Yatskievych, K. Yochelson, E. L. Yockelson, E. L. Youbi, N. Young, S. Young, D. B. Young, R. S. Younge, M.H. Yozzo, D. J. Yrizarry, J. Zakharova, N. Zalasiewicz, J. A. Zang, W. Zarriello, M. C. Zavaleta, E. Zenger, D. H. Zhu, Xuanfu Ziegler, Karen Zielinski, W.J. Zielinski, W. J. Zimmerman, Brian Zink, Robert M. Zousmer, S. Zuhlke, Jessica M. Żylińska, Anna
any Map Journal Article Report Book Chapter Book Web Article Magazine Article Audiovisual Conference Proceedings Journal Film
any - Department - Archaeology Department - Bioarchaeology Department - Biology Department - Botany Mycology Department - CRSP Department - Cultural History Department - Decapoda Department - Devonian Geology Department - Entomology Department - Ethnography Department - Geologic Mapping Department - Geology Department - Herpetology Department - Historical Archaeology Department - History Department - Ichthyology Department - Invertebrate Paleontology Department - Lichens Department - Malacology Department - Mammalogy Department - Mineralogy Department - Mycology Department - Native American Archaeology Department - Ornithology Department - Paleobotany Department - Paleontology Department - Political History Department - Quarternary Geology Department - Quarternary Landscape Materials (QLM) Department - Research & Collections Department - Social History Department - State Archaeologist Department - Vertebrate Paleontology
any 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 1898 1897 1896 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 1884 1883 1882 1881 1880 1879 1878 1877 1876 1875 1874 1873 1872 1871 1870 1869 1868 1867 1866 1865 1864 1863 1862 1861 1860 1859 1858 1857 1856 1855 1854 1853 1852 1851 1850 1849 1848 1847 1846 1845 1844 1843 1842 1841 1840 1839 1838 1837
any 10Be dating 14C 14C chronology 18th and early 19th centuries 1980s politics 19th-century 28S 28S rDNA 5.8S Absorbed Residue Analysis abundance abundance estimation Acadian orogenesis Acadian Orogeny Accelerator mass spectrometry acorns acritarchs activity patterns Adam Weitsman Adaptation adaptive radiation Adcyap1 Adirondack Lowlands Adirondack Mountain Lakes Adirondack Mountains Adirondack Park lakes Adirondack State Park Adirondacks adventive and naturalized mosses Aedes Aedes stimulans African American African Americans African lion Agdzian Stage Agmtis obliqua Agnostida agnostoids agouti Agricultural evolution agricultural insufficiency Agriculture Agrotis stigmosa Airborne spores Alabama Alaska Albany Albany Pine Bush Albert Hazen Wright Alewife algae Alkali processing alkali tourmalines Allamuchy Pond Allegheny River Drainage allochthonous alluvial stratigraphy alluvial terrace Alnus Alosa pseudoharengus alpine Alpine and subalpine bryofloras alpine flora alpine tundra alpine zone Altona Formation America Amerorchis Ammocrypta pellucida ammonia Amphibians amphibole chemistry amphidromy Amphinemura delosa Amphipoda AMS AMS dating Anabar Analysis Anastomosed rivers Anatomy and morphology ancestral Wendat archaeology ancient carbon ancient DNA ancient maize Ancistrumina limnica Andes André Michaux Aneurophytales animal density animal fossils Animal movement animal tracking anisotropy magnetic susceptibility anorthosite Antarctilamnidae anthropology anthropology biology anthropology biology geology anthropology biology geology history anthropology biology geology history paleontology anthropology biology paleontology anthropology Cultural Resources anthropology geology anthropology history anthropology paleontology Anti- Atla Antillotolania Appalachian Basin Aquastella acicularis Aquastella attenuata aquatic ecosystem aquatic invertebrates Aquatic resources aqueducts Arabo-Nubian Shield arbuscular mycorrhiza archaeological epistemology archaeological excavations archaeological history Archaeological site archaeological systematics archaeological systmatics archaeological theory Archaeology Archaic Archaic period arctic-alpine Argentina Argos Arini arthropod Arthropoda Arthur C. Parker artifacts Artiodactyla Asa Gray Asian Russia Aspergillus fumigatus assimilative capacity Atlantic coastal refugia Atlasian Series attribute analyses Auchenorrhyncha Australia Autecology autocorrelation Autogenic and allogenic processes automated radio telemetry Avalon Avalon microcontinent Avalonia Avalonian terrane Avalonian transform fault avian malaria avian migration Avifauna Bacchus slice Bacillus sphaericus Bacillus sphaericus strain 1593 Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis var bacteria Bahamas Balmat mine Baltica Avalonia Barro Barro Colorado Island Barstow Formation Basal Choteč Event Basal tills Base-rich spring seep Basement megablocks Basin evolution Bassaricyon gabbii Bathysiphon Bayesian analysis Bayesian calibration Bayesian dietary mixing models Bayesian dietary modeling Bayesian modeling BCI bean bears Bedford; Manhattan Beekmantown Group behaviour Belarus benthic competitors benthic species benthos Bergmann's rule Bergmann’s rule Bering Glacier Bering Strait archaeology Berkshires beta diversity between-group competition Bicknell’s Thrush bioarchaeology Bioassessment biocontrol biodiversity Biodiversity hotspot biodiversity inventory Biofacies Biogeography Biological control biological control of blackflies biological techniques biology biology geology biology geology paleontology biology history biology history paleontology biology paleontology biomantles Biomarkers bionomics Biopesticide Biostratigraphy biotic indices Bird salvaging Birds Bisexuality bison-hair yarn bivoltin Black River Group Black shale Blackpoll Warbler bladderwort blue crabs Bobcat body size Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Bogotá sunangel bone Booley Bay Formation boreal forest Boreal forest birds boron minerals brachiopods Brachycerinae Braintree Member Breeding Bird Survey breeding system brick kilns bryophyte bryophyte ecology and distribution bryophyte epiphytes bryophytes bryozoans Bryum tenuisetum Bryum violaceum Bucephalus polymorphus Bulk δ13C buried A horiqon Burkard sampler Byron-Bergen Swamp C 13 C-13 C3 plants C3-ecosystems C4 grasses C4 plants cache pilferage Caddo Indians calcareous wetland calcic amphibole calcic tourmalines calcicole Calcite calcium carbonate substrata calcrete calc–silicate minerals Caledonian caliche California California ground squirrel Calypso Cambrian Cambrian Evolutionary Radiation Cambrian paleontology Cambrian--Ordovician boundary Cambrian–Ordovician Cambrian–Ordovician boundary camera detection zone camera trapping camera traps cameras canals Canis Canis latrans Canis lupus Canopy Canopy Mammals Cape Breton Island Capitalism Carabidae Carbon isotopes Carbon-13 carbonate platform carbonate rocks carbonate systems. carbonate‐dominated strata Carbonization Caribbean Caribbean Basin Caribbean Island caribou Carnivora carnivore carnivores Carolina Parakeet Carolinian avifauna Carpathians Carthage-Colton shear zone Castoroides ohioensis Catfish Catharus Catharus thrushes Catostomus commersoni Catostomus utawana Catskill Mountains Cattle cellular tracking Celtiberian Series Censored tail reconstruction census;fingerprint;fisher;footprint;identification;Martes pennanti;track plate Central American agouti Central Mudminnow Centrarchidae Cephalanthera Cephalopoda cephalopods Ceramics Cercopoidea Cercopoidea (spittlebugs or froghoppers) Champlain Canal channels Chapel Island Formation Charophytes Charred cooking residues Charring Cheever Mine Cheever Mineville Chelicerata Chemung Site Chenopodium berlandieri chenoposium Chert flakes Chestnut blight Chimney Pond weather data Chinese mitten crab chitinozoans Chlamydiales-like chlorophyll Chlorophyta Chondrichthyes Chord distance Christmas Bird Count chromium-dravite Chromosome numbers chronology chronology building chronostratigraphy Chunchucmil Cicadoidea (cicadas) Cicinnus ciliates Civil War Cl-bearing amphibole Clarendon–Linden fault system clarity Classic Period Clelandia parabola Fauna Clemson's Island climate change climatic change Clioperla clio Clock Cluster analysis coalescent analysis Coeloglossum Colchicine Coleoptera Colonial New York Colonies Colonization Colorado Island columbite-(Fe) columbite-(Mn) combined data analysis commensal common bean community structure community turnover Competition competitive release Compost Fungi computer vision Conchophthiridae Conchophthirus acuminatus concrete and mortar as moss habitat. Conewango Creek confederacy Conflict Connecticut Connective tissue conodonta conodonts conservation Conservation genetics construction Continental rifting continental shelf continental slope facies Contractile vacuoles conulariids Conuropsis carolinensis Convergent evolution cooking residue analysis cooking residues Cooking Technology cooking vessels Cordubian Series Cortlandt Complex Cottus asperrimus Cottus klamathensis Cottus pitensis Coyote Coyotes crayfish Crevasse splays Crinotoxins crop dispersals crop histories crop history cross-cutting diabase dikes Crown Point crystal structure Cuba cucurbit; Cucurbita pepo Cucurbita pepo cucurbits Culex Culiseta Cultural Change cultural evolution cultural resoruce management Cultural resource management Cultural Resources Cultural Resources paleontology Curculionidae Cuslett Formation cyanobacteria Cyclostratigraphy Cyprinidae Cypripedium Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides cytochrome b cytochrome oxidase II cytology Dactylorhiza daily life danburite daphnid Daroca Sandstone Darwin Dasyprocta punctata data mining Data model Dating datolite Defense Deformation till Deiroderes Ramos Delaware Delphacidae dendroid graptolites dental microwear depositional environments Depositional history depositional sequences desplazamiento del ámbito hogareño detection probability Detrital zircons detritus feeding developmental effects Devonian Devonian plant hypothesis Devonian trees Diamictite Diapensia heath Die Diet dietary ecology diffusion Dillenius Diplectrona modesta Diptera Discriminant analysis Dispersal dispersal mechanisms dissolved oxygen distribution Distribution extensions distributions diversity DNA Dogs Dolomites Domesticated landscapes domesticated wolves domestication drainage patterns Dreissena Dreissena polymorpha Dreissena polymorpha. Dreissena rostriformis bugensis Dreissenidae. drumlin Drumlins dumortierite Dutchess Quarry Cave Dutchess Quarry Caves Dystrudepts e evolution earliest Givetian earliest Ordovician Early Cambrian Early Eifelian Early evolution Early historical period Early Holocene early life history early maize Early Ordovician early pottery Early Silurian Early Woodland Earth sciences earthen mounds earthworks East Gondwana East Texas Eastern Agricultural Complex eastern coyote Eastern Great Lakes Basin eastern Isle Madame eastern Laurentia Eastern Mudminnow Eastern North America Eastern sand darter eastern United States Eastern Woodlands Ebenezr Emmon eclogite-facies parageneses eclogitized igneous bodies ecological epibole ecological niche divergence ecological niche modeling ecological speciation Ecology ecomorphology Economy Edenville Ediacaran eighteenth-century Elasmobranchii elevation gradient elevational turnover ELISA Ellenville Empididae Enamel Enamel complexity encrusted cooking residues end member end-Pleistocene extinction endemism Endosymbiont endosymbionts engineering enhancer of split EnIcones environmental environmental changes Environmental contamination environmental histories Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Eospermatopteris epeirogeny Epidermal Epithelium Epithermal Porphyry Equidae Equini Erie Canal Esocidae Ethnogenesis Etowah Euceratherium collinum Euchelicerata euchelicerates Eumetazoa Eurocentrism Eurypterida Eurytreta eustasy eutrophication Evolution Evolutionary divergence evolutionary theory exhibition Exhibition development exhumation exotic species expansion Experimental archaeology extended phenotype external foliage feeding extinct species extinction FAD concept fauna faunal turnover fecal DNA feces Fecundity feeding ecology felid ferel cats Finger Lakes Fish fish assemblages fish dispersal fish distribution fish ecology fish introductions Fish Processing fish scales fish species Fisheries Fishers Island fishnet floats FIV flat-headed peccary Flightless birds Flora floristics fluorapatite fluoro-potassichastingsite fluoropargasite food availability Foraging foraging ranges Foraminifera Foreland basin rocks Forest hollow Forest succession Fort Ancient Fort Cassin Formation Fort St. Frederic Fortune Head fossil assemblage Fossil Brook Membe fossil phytodebris fossiliferous clasts fossils fourier transform Fowl cholera Fragipan Franklin Marble French and Indian War Fresh water reservoir effect Freshwater Reservoir Effect Freshwater reservoir offsets frontier fortifications Frullania bolanderi Fulgoridae Funaria fungi Furongian gabbro Gadway Barrens Galearis Galliformes galling Gallirallus garnet-pyroxene skarns gas chromatography/mass spectrometery GC/MS Genetic diversity genetic structure genetics genomics Genotyping Geoarchaeology Geochemical proxies Geochemistry geochronology geographic distributions geographic range modeling geographic variation geolocators geology geology history geology history paleontology geology paleontology geometric morphometrics geomorphology geothermometry Germany giant beaver Gilboa glacial geology Glaciation glacier glaciers glaciohydrology Glacioisostacy glaciolacustrine deposit Global correlation Global hyperwarming global stratotype global warming Glomeromycota Glossosoma intermedium Gourd seed edibility gourds GPS grandidierite Granite graph theory grass grasslands Gray-cheeked Thrush grazing Great Migration Grenville age Grenville Province Grenville rocks Grenville Supergroup Grey‐cheeked thrush Grimmia muehlenbeckii ground beetles Group living Group size Growth Habenaria habitat habitat change habitat ordination Habitat tracking habitat use Haemoproteus Haemospororida hafnium Hanford Brook Formation Haplosporidia Haplosporidium raabei n. sp. harkerite Harpellales Haudenosaunee Hawaii Head pots Helianthus annuus Hemimysis anomala Hemiptera hemipteran Hemocyte infiltration Henry Muhlenberg HERB excursion herbivore Heritage and memory Herminiinae Hesperophylax designatus Heterogeneity hierarchical clustering high-pressure metamorphism Hipparionini Hirst sampler Hiscock Site histological sections historic DNA historic trends Historical archaeology history history of botany history of bryology history of science history paleontology Holdgatiella Evans Holocene home range home range shift hominins Hominy Homo sapiens Homotherium serum Hopewell Horton Group host relatedness host specificity host-parasite relationships Host–parasite interactions house cats house sites Hudson Hudson Highlands Hudson River Hudson River Valley archaeology Human biogeography Human dispersals Human evolution human impacts Hungary hunting hybrid hybridization hybridizing Hyde Park mastodon hydrology Hydrothermal alteration Hydrothermal breccias hydrothermal dolomite Hypena manalis (Walker) hypsodonty Iberian Chains Ibexian area Ice sheet Ice-contact lake sedimentation; Bathymetry; Sediment flux Ichthyomyzon bdellium Ichthyomyzon greeleyi Illinois Illinois basin immunoblot in situ hybridization incised valley glaciation index of biological integrity (IBI) India Indiana Inequality Infection intensity Infection prevalence information Inland fishery insect remains insular flightlessness intercontinental correlation intergroup dominance Intermountain Region Interspecific hybridization Intracytoplasmic prokaryote introduced species Introgression Invasive species IOA deposits IOA-deposit ionic waste Ireland iron oxide-apatite deposits (IOA deposits) Iroquoian archaeology Iroquoians Iroquois irrigation canals island biogeography Isle Madame isolation Isometry Isotope Analysis Israel israelensis ITS1 ITS2 Iva annua Jack's Reef James DeKay Jared Kirtland Jbel Wawrmast Formation John Jay Homestead State Historic Site John Torrey Jordan K-bentonites Katahdin Kenya Kernel key adaptation Kimberlite kimberlites Kindbergia kinkajou Kipp Island kornerupine Laboratory Laboratory transinfection Labrador Ladatheca Lake Champlain Lake Ohrid Lake Ontario lakes Lakes of the Clouds land cover change land plant evolution land plant fossils landscape ecology Landscape genetics Landscape heterogeneity landscape use Lanternflies Laolinian Stage larva larvae larval food plants larval hibernation Laser ablation last glacial maximum Late Cambrian late Eifelian Late Emsian Late Miocene Late Ordovician late Pleistocene late Pleistocene mammals Late Prehistoric Period late prehistory Late Woodland archaeology late- Quaternary distribution late-glacial latency to detection latest Early Cambrian latest Ediacaran Laurentia lawn moss Lawsonian Stage Lead isotopes legalisties Lena River Valley Lenaldanian Series lentivirus Leopardus Leopardus pardalis Lepidoptera Lepidostoma liba Lepomis cyanellus Lepreau Formation Lesser Himalaya Leucocytozoon leucogabbro Lewis Beck Lewis Schweinitz lichen lichenicolous fungi Lichenised fungi lichens life history life mode Limulus Lineaments Linguliform brachiopods Linsley Pond Lion lion mane lions lipids lithics lithics typology lithospheric mantle lithostratigraphy little barley liverwort liverworts liverworts; taphonomy; preservation; Devonian; New York; Metzgeriothallus sharonae n. sp Local populations local vegetation Long-distance dispersal longhouses Lotagnostus Lowell Lower Cambrian Lower Ordovician Lower to Middle Devonian lowland Maya Lycopsida Lyon Mountain Lyon Mountain Granite Lythrurus umbratilis Mabou Group MacCodrum Brook macrofossil macrops Madisonville Magnetic susceptibility magnetite Maine maize maize agricultur maize agriculture maize agriculture evolution Maize cooking maize evolution Maize histories Maize history maize-bean-squash agriculture Maize–beans–squash agriculture Mammal mammal density mammalian communities mammals mammoth Mammuthus manes Mantel test Mantodea marine dysoxia marine processes maritime culture Maritime Provinces mass balance Mass spectrometry Massachusetts mastodon Mastodon herbivory matrilocality Maxent Maya Maya archaeology Megafauna Megalonyx jeffersonii Meishucunian Melanerpes carolinus melt water meltwater meltwater turbidit membracid Membracidae Membracoidea (leafhoppers and treehoppers) Mesomermis spp. Mesozoic magmatism metabolic activity indicators metagenomics metasomatism Metzgeriothallus Mexico Miaolingian mica micro radio telemetry microbotanicals microfossils Microhabitat microrefugia Microsatellites mid-Holocene middle Beekmantown Group Middle Cambrian Middle Devonian middle Pleistocene Middle Wisconsin Middle Woodland midwestern North America migrating songbirds Migration migration patterns migratory birds military history Mimallonidae Mimallonoidea mineral weathering Mineralogy mineralogy collection minerals minnow Cyprinidae Miocene Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Mississippian Mississippian Madison Formation Mississippian societies mitochondrial control region mitochondrial DNA Mitochondrial DNA Analysis mitochondrial variation mixed carbonate-siliciclastic Modern Mohawk Mohawk River Mohawk River valley molecular phylogenetics molecular systematics Mollusca molluscs monazite Monongahela tradition monophagy Mor humus Moroccan Atlas Moroccan Atlas regions Morocco Morone americana Moronidae morphology morphometrics Mortuary Mortuary Practices mortuary sites moss moss banks mosses Mount Marion Formation Mount Washington. movement data moving objects Moxostoma breviceps Mt. Everett Mt. Greylock Mt. Katahdin mtDNA mtSSU Mudrocks multiscalar analysis Museum collections Museums mussels Mystery Lake Member NADH dehydrogenase Nasua Nasuella National Park Service Native American Native American agriculture Native American art Native species native status natural enemies natural history collections naturalized bryophytes naturalizing navigation navigation improvement Nematode Neoacadian Neoaplectana carpocapsae Neotectonics Neotropical Neotropical orchid bees Neotropics New Brunswick New England New Hampshire New Jersey new mineral species New Netherland New taxa New York New York City New York early villages New York Promontory New York state New York State Museum New York. Newfoundland niche breadth niche conservatism niche expansion niche modeling nitrogen noninvasive survey normative belief North America North America;precipitation North Wales North-East Greenland northeastern North America Northeastern North American archaeology northeastern United States northeastern United States and adjacent Canada northeastern USA northern Antigonish Highlands northern Appalachian Basin northern Iroquoia Northern Iroquoian Northern Iroquoian ethnicity Northern Iroquoians Notropis buccatus Noturus flavus Nova Scotia nuisance blooms nuITS nutrient loading nutrients NYF pegmatites O-18 obrution deposits observation spot observing systems Occlusal enamel complexity Ocean oxygenation Oceania ocelot ocelote oil body cells Old Wood Problem old-growth forests old-growth habitats olingos Omalodontiformes Ontario ontogeny ontology Ophryoglena sp Ophryoglena sp. Ophryoglenidae optimal cache spacing Orchidaceae orchids Orconectes neglectus Ordovician Ordovician Radiation Oreothlypis Orthothecids Osteometry ostracodes Ottawan Orogeny ovarian cysts Owasco Owl Creek thrust sheet oxygen demand oxygen depletion oxygen stable isotopes Pack Forest Preserve palaeobiogeography Palaeobotany Palaeodiversity Palaeoecology Palaeontology paleo-shorelines paleobotany paleoecology paleoenvironments paleoethnobotany paleogeography Paleoindian Paleoindian settlement paleontology Paleozoic reef Paleozoic strata Palintomy Palisot de Beauvois Panama Panama; Cebus capucinus; habituation; telemetry Panama;predation Panthera leo Panthera leophenotypic Parallel evolution parasite infections Parasites Parasitic parasitoid wasps Participatory projects Partnered collaboration Partnered collaborations Parulidae passive infrared motion sensor Pasteurella multocida Patches Paterinida paternity Patrick Mogan patrilineal Paul Tsongas payoff asymmetries PCR pedogenesis pedostratigraphy Pegmatite Pennsylvania Perca flavescens Percidae periodic behavior permanent transect permeability Petrogenesis Petromyzon marinus petrophysical properties Phaseolus vulgaris Phasianids phenology Pheromermis pachysoma Pheromermis vesparum phloem-feeding insects phosphorus photography Phototaxis Phoxininae Phycodes pedum Zone Phyllodistomum folium Phylogenetic analyses Phylogenetic analysis Phylogenetic generalized least squares regression Phylogenetics phylogeny phylogeography physical habitat variables Phytolith phytolith cooking residues phytoliths phytophagous insects phytoplankton piercing-and-sucking pillow basalt pine barrens Pine Island Pine Resins pitch pine pituitary adenylate cyclase‐activating polypeptide Placentian Series Plant domestication plant fossils plant introduction plant introduction history plant macrofossils Plant sciences planthopper Planthoppers Plasmodium plasticity Platanthera Platanthera aquilonis Platanthera hyperborea Platygonus compressus Platynini Pleistocene Pleistocene megafauna Pleistocene megafaunal extinction Pleistocene refugia Pliocene Poaceae Pogonia Poland pollen pollen stratigraphy pollination Pontoporeia hoyi Population population genetics Popups porosity Port Huron terrace positioning technology post yolk sac larvae Pothole Potos Potos flavus Potsdam Formation Pottery pottery decoration Pottery residue Pottery Sealing Pottery wall thickness praying mantises Pre-settlement vegetation Precambrian-Cambrian boundary predation predation risk Predator predators predictive modeling Predispersal Predispersión prehistoric adaptations Prehistoric agriculture Prehistoric cooking residues; Carbon isotopes; Prehistoric cooking techniques Prehistoric cooking techniques Preservation prevalence and intensity of infection primate evolution Primates prismatine privies probability of detection production Proteins Proterozoic Proterozoic basement-rock terranes Prototaxites Provenance provincial regiments pseudofossils Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudorchis Pseudoscleropodium Pseudosporochnales puma Pywackia baileyi quagga mussel quagga mussels quantitative analysis Québec Racism radar ornithology radio-telemetría automatizada radio-telemetry Radiocarbon ages radiocarbon dating radiocarbon modeling Radiogenic isotopes rainbow smelt Rallidae Rancho La Brea random amplified polymorphic DNA Random Encounter Model range dynamics range expansion range limits range periphery Rangifer tarandus rare earth elements Rariocarbon dating red deer red squirrel Red-bellied Woodpecker Red‐bellied Woodpecker REE Regression analysis rehabilitation relatedness remote cameras replication stidues Reproduction reproductive isolation Reptiles Republic of Macedonia reservoir reservoir facies resource dispersion hypothesis resource holding potential Resource partitioning Resources resurvey rhizoid-tuber-bearing mosses Rhode Island rhombohedra Rhytidiadelphus Ribosomal RNA gene rich fen Rickettsiales-like ridge-and-swale topography risk behavior risk behaviour ritual river Rochester Romania Rondel phytoliths Roundtop site RPB1 ruderal Rudolf Ruedemann Ruminantia Russia Rutherford Backscattering spectrometry rutile s Mixing model saber-tooth sabertooth Saint John Salix bebhiana Salvelinus fontinalis Sample Sand plains Saprolegniales Sarrameanaceae sash satellite transmitter Scale scatter hoarding Schoharie Creek sea lampreys Sea-level sea-levels Seasonality Secchi disc secondary metabolites sediment Seed crop processing Seed dispersal Seed identification Seed tracking seismic reflection seismic risk Seismic-hazard evaluations Seismic-reflection profiles Seismicity seismology selectively toxic microorganisms sensor networks sequence boundaries sequence stratigraphy serendibite serology sessile benthos set theory Setophaga striata settlement Settlement patterns settlement systems sex determination sexual selection shatter shifting balance theory Shifting-balance theory Siberia Sierra de Atapuerca Sierra Nevada Sieves Signaling theory Silas Watson Ford silicocarbonate Simuliidae Simulium spp. Simulium tuberosum sinhalite Siphonotretida sister species site-splitting size selection skarns skeletal analysis sloth small subunit ribosomal DNA Smallscale Spinycheek Sleeper Smilodon Snake Hill snow bed snowtracking soapstone social capital social cognition social institutions Social learning Social network analysis social norms Social organisation social organization Sociality sod blocks Soil characterization Soil upbuilding soils sorediate lichens sourcing Souss Basin South America South China South Wales Southeastern Ceremonial Complex southeastern New York southeastern Newfoundland southeastern Newfoundland. southeastern North America southern Cape Breton Island southern New Brunswick southern Ohio southern Ontario space use Spain Speciation species Species coexistence species distribution Species distribution models Species diversity species limits species radiation species rarity Species richness specular hematite Spermophilus beecheyi sphalerite Spiranthes spittlebug sponges spore dispersal Sporormiella spruce-fir forest birds squash Squash seeds Sr/Ca ratios St. Lawrence Co. NY St. Lawrence County St. Lawrence River stable carbon isotope Stable carbon isotopes stable hydrogen isotope stable isotope stable isotope analysis Stable isotopes Stable nitrogen isotope Stable oxygen isotopes Stark's Knob statistical phylogeography status Steatite stercomata sterile lichens stillwellite-(Ce) Stone tablets stone tool assemblages stone zones Stoneware stopover storage facilities Strath terrace Stratigraphic stratigraphic analyses stratigraphic code stratigraphy stream ecology strontium (Sr) isotope structural control structure determination Sub-aqueous fan subadult subadulto subsistence subspecies succession summed probability distributions Summer Sucker sunflower surge survey Susquehanna River basin Susquehanna River drainages Symbolism Synsacrum synziphosurines systematics Taconic Taconic allochthon Taconic Mountains Taconic orogen Taconic Orogeny Tal Group Taphonomy Tatelt Formation taxonomy Tazlaft Formation tectonics Teeth temperature teosinte terminal Proterozoic–lowest Cambrian successions Terrace veneers Terreneuvian Territoriality Texas textile Textiles Theront Thread tag tides till fabric till fabrics Togotolania brachycorna Togotolania longicorna Tommotian Tomont Tongan birds tooth enamel tourmaline toxicity trace elements trace fossils track-plates Tracking tracking technology trapline-foragers treehopper treehopper phylogeny Tremadocian trematodes Triassic Tribes Hill Formation tributaries tributary Trichomycetes Triebenreuth Formation Trilobita trilobite systematics trilobites Trilobites--Collectors and collecting Trilobites--Type specimens Trophont tropical forest Tsavo National Park tube worm Tug Hill Plateau turbidity type locality U-Pb columbite geochronology U-Pb dates U-Pb zircon age U-Pb zircon geochronology U.S. cities Ukraine Ungulata Ungulates United States United States of America upland loess deposits Upper amphibolite facies upper Cambrian upper Chamberlain's Brook Formation upper Lower Cambrian Upper Mississippian (middle Chesterian) stratigraphy upper Ohio River basin upper Ohio River Valley Upper Ordovician Upper Silurian urban centers urban geology USA Utah Utricularia inflata Walt. U–Pb zircon age U–Pb zircon date U–Pb zircon geochronology Valdemiedes Formation Valders Varves vascular plants vegetation change Vegetation history vein-dykes Venezuela venom Vermont vertebrate fossils Vertical migration VHF Telemetry vibracoring video surveillance Village removal sequences villages Ville Guay virgin white pine-hemlock stand Virus-like particles Visible Residue Analysis vision volcanic ash volcanic ash occurrences Volcanic zircons volcaniclastic sandstone volcanism vonsenite warbler warm water lakes Warren County warwickite waste assimilative capacity water quality water quality impacts Watershed surveys watersheds weathering Weedsport Drumlin Field welands Wendat West Bransh of the Susquehanna River West Gondwana western New York western Utah White Mountains white perch Whole-rock geochemistry wild flowers wildlife impacts William A. Ritchie William Sullivant Willsboro-Lewis district wing dams wingless winter wireless sensor networks Wiscons wollastonite ores Wolve-like canids wolves Woodland X-site vacant tourmalines Xiphosura Yellowstone National Park yolk sac larvae Yosemite National Park Younger Dryas Younger Dryas chronozone Yucatan Zanclognatha Zea mays ssp. maize Zea mays ssp. mays Zea mays ssp. mays. Zea mays ssp. parviglumis Zebra mussel Zebra mussels Zequanox® Zhurinskyan Stage zirconium Zooarchaeology zoogeography zoology zooplankton δ13C values