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Hart, J.P., 2023. Effects of charring on squash (Cucurbita L) seed morphology and compression strength: Implications for paleoethnobotany. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 49, 104017. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104017
Hart, J.P., Birch, J., Gates-St-Pierre, C., 2023. Social Network Analysis of Iroquoian Sites in the St. Lawrence River Valley: AD 1400–1600. Journal of Historical Network Research 8, 98–144. doi:10.25517/jhnr.v8i1.71
Herr, S.A., van der Linde, S., Rieth, C.B., 2023. Archaeology as Service: Introduction. Advances in Archaeological Practice 11. doi:10.1017/aap.2023.19
Hopkins-Benton, A., 2023. Artifact NY: Industrial Sewing Machine. New York History 104, 184 - 188. doi:10.1353/nyh.2023.a902909
Lander, D.R., 2023. The Neo-American Church [WWW Document]. Virginia Commonwealth University’s World Religions & Spirituality Project. URL
